PES 2012 Questions


Also known as jcsix
29 October 2007
Manchester United
If anyone could answer these questions, I'd be gratefully happy.

1. Anyone else suffer from bad tearing when close ups come on the screen on PS3 along with the outline of a player, it seems jagged?

2. How do you let the ball through your legs when reciving it from a pass? In FIFA, I think its RT + RB (R2 + R1).

3. Which is better or gives the longer run? constantly tapping RB (R1) or using RB + RT (R1 + R2) on runs?

4. Lastly, Just something I noticed the other day. Adidas kits have both baggy and skin tight version option when editing a players kit preferences. Now, how come Konami doesn't use it? For example, Robben uses the tight version of the kit in real life, yet in the game, he has the baggy version Infact,everyone who uses the tight version has the baggy type on them.
1. I hate consoles, but it has something to do with refresh rate. Check your console setting and set it to whatever specs your TV has. DPI settings and refresh rate that is.

2. Press sprint and run in the same direction as the ball is travelling. You can switch player immediately after the ball has passed through your legs, if you want to.

3. I use custom settings, I don't know what RB or R1 originally is. You and everyone else in the community should get used to calling the buttons their name-action instead of a default button setting. "Sprint", "Special Controls", "Change player" and so on.

4. Konami also has the option to send up defenders on corners and set pieces, but they aren't used by default. Also, if they wanted to, they could include more unlicensed leagues and several divisions with each league for us to create a more life-like virtual footy experience, but they didn't. My point is, how can we know what Konami thinks?
R1 and R2 sprints are the best for long runs.. But are less accurate, R1 double taps work. Personally I think it's best not to use either.

And the skin tight versions of the kits can be unlocked in the Extra Content, I think they have to be before you can use them.
Late reply, but thanks guys :)

@Sabatasso I was looking on the PS3 and saw nothing to change those settings, don't you mean TV? And The ball through the legs don't seem to happen every time.

@Taylor_94, I was speaking about license teams who wear Adidas such as Bayern Munich. Seems like Konami cba giving the people who wear tech-fit kits that option.

One last thing, doesn't anyone else think the models of players have jagged edges? Maybe thats because I'm used to games which use motion blur and make the edges look round.
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That doesn't seem to do it too. Is there a specific time you have to press it?
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