My petition for Konami to fix lag


Very senior member
22 December 2001
I made a petition to ask Konami to fix the problems on-line.
This is the text:

Seabass has promised us that for PES 2009 a good working on-line was top priority ( see ).
After playing on-line for a week the people who sign this petition have serious lag-problems, even if they connect using the recommendations given by Konami at
The lag is button-lag, causing:
-Button Delay
-Switching the cursor slowly
-Dribbling in a straight line and through players / tackling impossible.
The people who sign this petition ask Konami for a patch to fix the given problems. The patch should be for PS3 and Xbox 360.
You can find the petition here:
Please vote! :)
This is a bit pointless, Im sure if they could have fixed it with a whole year to work on it they would have. Simply put Konami cant get games working online and no patch will fix it.
This is a bit pointless, Im sure if they could have fixed it with a whole year to work on it they would have. Simply put Konami cant get games working online and no patch will fix it.
Yeah but I know a saying:
Never shot is always missed ! :D
just send them last years and the year before as that seemed to make a difference...not!

I did love how seabass said they had tested it half way round the world, did he mean he went to mid europe and plugged in two consoles next to each other as I can't get a decent connection half the time with people in the UK.
lol are you serious. Konami dn't give the shit about petitions. this is useless.
It's not useless.
I know it would be silly to think that Konami suddenly makes a patch because of this petition.
But there is something different: I called Konami last week and complained about on-line and you know what they said?
It is better than last year and you can tell because we have a lot lesser complaints!
So just because people give up complaining Konami thinks it's better this year!
In other words: This petition gives the right signal to Konami, like it is NOT better, look at the petition!
What a shame that online still sucks like last year. Fortunately, I usually play multiplayer with my pals, but I would like some online action. A pity.
It's not useless.
I know it would be silly to think that Konami suddenly makes a patch because of this petition.
But there is something different: I called Konami last week and complained about on-line and you know what they said?
It is better than last year and you can tell because we have a lot lesser complaints!
So just because people give up complaining Konami thinks it's better this year!
In other words: This petition gives the right signal to Konami, like it is NOT better, look at the petition!

What the hell are konami thinking ? Such irresponsible reply.. No complains means betteR? MY FOOT! KONAMI YOU BLOODY SUCKERS!~
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