MLO Competitions


18 October 2010
How on earth do you enter a competition ? I have tried to enter loads of times and it's either closed or full
Does the competition time refer to your time zone or is it central euro time ?
I enter them no problems mate. I go into competitions area and check what time they are on and go back in at that time (normally a few minutes into it). I play the one at 10pm Australian time and i can see there are always available slots (e.g. 120 / 200 users). I believe the time is local to your xbox. So you don't have to manually convert the time - just ensure your timezone settings are correct in your PES options and Xbox settings.
I think that's all you have to do and then go into the comp a couple of minutes beforehand and wait until it opens or try a minute after and hope there are vacant slots for that time. Comps run three times a day I think?
Can anyone else confirm?
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