mlo cheating


4 November 2003
there is a guy with gamertag ALIENrOx i think , quits early and wins 3-0 everytime , in the ml poen on xbox , he was top of the charts with 3 , 3-0 wins , he beat me 3-0 , as soon as the game start it came up connection lost , and he won 3-0 , is there anyway of getting him banned apart from , doing a file complaint via xbl , i think hes gonna win the cup lol :(
well got to the final of my first ever online cup , but guess who i was playing , yip alienrox , , took the lead 1-0 , then he quit , winning 3-1 , hope he gets the ban he surely deserves :( ,
How is this even possible? If someone quits a game, you're supposed to be the one winning 3-0, at least on PS3. They could never win 3-0, but things could be different on the 360 I suppose. Very weird. Have you got a firewall, perchance?
Yeah iv been conned by him, also watch out for xx Scooch xx and BMF Emperor (xbox) all in tournaments, losing and disconnected on me filed complaints against all, losers lol
I think I'm starting to know what you mean. There are some people who abuse Konami's online competition system to cheat. Today, here I am in the semifinals, and this guy, Mafupots1976, he's trying to finish off the time remaining, at half-time, and especially just before the end of the match when he just paused for the full 120 seconds (!) and did nothing, absolutely nothing.

As I sat there puzzled at why this guy was doing this, I found out - the game hadn't even finished and I didn't even get to the penalties, when the time had already run out and I was informed that he had won because he'd what, ranked higher in the Preliminary Stage (only because he picked Kaka in his team and beat Ivarov and co.)?! He just sent me a message boasting he had done the EXACT same thing in the final as well, and probably did it in the other stages!

Would it have hurt them to have at least allowed enough time to host a full match, with penalties et all? How the fuck do they think people will take this seriously if they have such bullshit for semifinals and probably even finals, especially with cheats and their likes winning competitions like this?

I think what we should try doing is compiling a list of these cheats and posting them publicly somewhere, before sending them to Konami, so they can ban them (their IPs as well) and other people can be aware of them. Mafupots1976, ALIENrOx, none of these cheats should be allowed anywhere near the game. How do you report these cheats anyway?

And this is hardly the first time such BS has happened either. The other day, the servers failed while in the screen after you get to the elimination stages, say the quarter finals, and then they randomly pick someone as the winner, even though the match hadn't even happened yet and they could have easily restarted it or re-sent the "information required to start a match"? Completely moronic. Why waste hours on something that doesn't even treat people fairly?
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I got fucked too, not in MLO, but in a tournament TWICE! Look out for these guys: bigjefe3 and ANDRES SALAS 1 or something like that, they were both having a hard time with me, and I know for sure that they fucked their NET on purpose, and they were better in the Preliminary fase, like fluoroescent said, they took me out without winning.

First time with bigjefe3, we were tied (can't do too much with those short 5 minutes in the first round after preliminary). So we were tied, we had to go to penalty shootout (I'm a master in that area), I know a small trick to fool the guys that do not know how to take the penalty kicks, well that's another topic. Bottom line, I saved the first penalty he took, and then it was my turn to take my first penaly, I scored and he knew he would loose, so he fucked his net and the game ended, he was declared winner and me? I WAS FUCKING FURIOUS! I send him like 3 messages cursing him and everything, then some guy invited me to a Xbox LIVE Party, and there he was bigjefe3, I asked him why didn't he want to accept his defeat and he started to say that MY net was shitty, and that HIS net was perfect (he lied, my net is just fine, and he's a cheater, would you believe a cheater?).

I was seriously angry and pissed off, and I can not understand how Konami still lets this shit happen.

Thanks for reading my stupid stories. LOL
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i waS playing yesterday for ps3 and i was winning 4 1 to a guy medium player portuguese, and he disconnect without losing, the game didnt count...
i hate those cunts - i don't care about the ranking (biggest joke ever...) anyways, after the bad cheating in last year... shame on konami that there are so many ways to cheat. and fuck all suckers, that can not accept defeats!!
What the OP said actually happened to me (previously they just paused, but this time the cheat actually quit and won) and it was pretty obvious that they are doing this intentonally. The guy is called playdojuba and like most of these cheats, is a gloryhunter who picked Barca. You guys should contact Konami or PES support as soon as possible and report them; posting in this forum has no use if you don't take action against them.

I would have ranked higher than the asshole as well if my win in the last match of the preliminaries would have been recorded, but of course, the time ran out, like always.
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haha just scored from kick off twice against Alienr0x in two successive qualifying matches both times, he paused the game ended and both matches didnt count and I got 0 gate recepeits what a disgrace how is this even possible, people quit against me all the time but I still get paid or the result. He has a world class 11, why does he take losing so bad, was funny first time not the second...
if i get hime in the knock out ill take photos of the game, I can see him winning this d1, 4.15 competition...
Haha I got him in the semis he won the last 2 matches 3-0, 3-0 hmmmm.... what a joke... I wonder what the outcome will be.

ok so I resist the urge to not score but finally I score with 5 minutes left.. u guessed it, game ends instantly get a black screen im kicked to the actual PES main menu, come back and I cant re-enter that competition I took a couple photos this guy has to be stopped...
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haha just scored from kick off twice against Alienr0x in two successive qualifying matches both times, he paused the game ended and both matches didnt count and I got 0 gate recepeits what a disgrace how is this even possible, people quit against me all the time but I still get paid or the result. He has a world class 11, why does he take losing so bad, was funny first time not the second...
if i get hime in the knock out ill take photos of the game, I can see him winning this d1, 4.15 competition...

I have just had the same experience with a guy called "--Gergio--" on the pc version ,but this happened 5 times now,i keep getting drawn against this shithead all the time and i know if i try to quit before the match starts i will lose 3-0 but this guy can seem to pause and quit at anytime during the game,even in injury time! Oh and this is mainly on coach mode!!! ffs cheating on coach mode must be a new all time low!
Well guys , Im going to open a simple website with the names of the cheaters on it , Will gonna add a simple msg system so everyone will add the stupid cheaters in too.

lost almost 5 tournaments with this stupid cheats and played many quick matches for nothing and now got fed up of it

More info will be on soon as the website will be uploaded, firts launch will be for pc version but will make a ps3 and xbox version soon .
I'm glad I can have a black list of players I do not want to play against in hte Xbox 360! There's nothing similar for the PC right?
Yeah it happens occasionally to me. Can be winning a match and someone can do a disconnect glitch about 5 mins from time, no money earnt and match is abandoned with no default 3-0 win as if it didn't exist.

I've reached a D2 cup final before, a notorious player did a disconnect glitch who had done it before in the first round to me, and he ended up getting the default 3-0 win, me runner up without a ball being kicked, very frustrating.
I'm glad I can have a black list of players I do not want to play against in hte Xbox 360! There's nothing similar for the PC right?
You are right the black list of the pc version doesnt even make sense it makes the other user unable to talk to You but He/She still can play against You.

I cant figure out why Konami release such a good game with these frustrating glitches .
This is the link of a new website created to at least have a common place were to discuss how controling cheaters and maybe in the future stopping them completly from ruining the onlin experience of PES.

Anybody who has the game at heart and wants to give his opinion or have any idea on how cheating can be controlled is free to post here and anybody who can help foward this website link into PES fan communities please do so , Any persons who can help foward this to persons near Konami like Jon Murphy please do so too. This website should serve as a protest to show that real honest PES Gamers are not happy with the current situation and the more people who post in here the more strong our purpuse will be.

People can also post Names of other gamers whom they played against and didnt cheat them even if they could have done this to not lose their rankings/money etc. This often happens when you play with gamers in Division 1 and Division 2 (and sometimes Division 3 and even the lower divisions) of the Online Master league. This should help by giving these gamers their deserved status of honest gamers and probably the real Best players of PES. The website administrator (Bullet)will be opening this NonCheaters list soon.

This website can be the voice of all PES gamers that are really fed up of the nonsense going on in official game servers. Apart from making the cheaters known by putting their names on this website. this could also strengthen the urge that something must be done by the game creaters Konami. The cheating is ruining the whole experience of online competition so something must be done in the future versions of PES.

Thank you.
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