I liked it to and I plan to play with a friend so it should be fun.
Now I'm also concerned about the length. It seems harder with a shotgun and a lot easier with an automatic.
The aim is a bit frustrating but the game is not about accuracy.
The guy next to me in work said this game was great and quite atmospheric. Im looking forward to downloading it.

Tuta when I do lets give the co-op a go. How many can play in the demo?
Soooooooo, after playing the demo I have to say it was a lot of fun and hilarious. also, I think the graphics are just fine for this game. I enjoyed the demo, however you really need to play this as a co-op multiplayer being that your AI controlled teamates are not very reliable.

Demo was fun, but it does seem like it will get repetitive and not last very long in my collection. Still on the fence and not sure if this game is worth my big mulah.

What says thoust?
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i played this last night and some parts made me jump out of my seat because of the surround sound, i heard a noise behind me and turned round and there loads of zombies behind me :LOL:
i played this last night and some parts made me jump out of my seat because of the surround sound, i heard a noise behind me and turned round and there loads of zombies behind me :LOL:

Yes, the sound is awesome if you have a good set up. The demonic growls you hear coming from behind you in a dark area are pretty creepy. Sometimes I have to physically turn to see if there's anyone standing behind me. I play the game in complete darkness so the sound really adds to the atmosphere in my room.

The game is very creepy and the sounds is ace!

On one level in the Demo online, I got on that heavy machine gun and took damn near every zombie coming at me from all directions including my poor co-op mates. LOL!

I think I killed about 100 zombies in that one level.
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Its like House Of The Dead in an arcade, I am just missing a light gun add on for the 360 ;)
Sorry mate, the demo was enough for me to realise that paying money for the full version wouldn't be worth it
Quality game.

Okay it won't last massively long, but my god if you have a solid group of mates to play it with then the possibilities are immense. Versus is just a real laugh.

The AI director technology means it IS different everytime. Its not one of those co-ops where you know you will have several med bags waiting in one spot.

Impossible on Expert mode!!!
It's region free, 50 dollars on Amazon and Play Asia; which is 34 quid, not sure how much postage is though.
Got it the other day and it's great how the hell do i get the achievements for finishing each level? i play all the mercy ones but not in one go.
Jay you have to play through the whole part. It has 4 parts with separate chapters, but to get the achievement you have to play through the whole part in one go.
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