Leagues should be in FIFA 11


Premier League
23 April 2006
Saudi Arabia
Al Ittihad Jeddah
Dear All,

I think they should add new leagues from the below to keep everyone happy ((this will make this game kick PES ass for sure))

South America:
1.Argentina League
2.Brazil League
3.Chelian League
4.Ecuador League
5.Colombian League

North America:
1. Costa Rican League

1.Hungary League
2.Romanian League
3.Grecce League
4.Ukrainan League

1.Egypt League
2.South African League
3.Tunisian League
4.Algeria League

1.Saudi Arabia League ( if they want to sell & get a lot of money
2.China League (world most populated country on earth)
3.Qatar League ( Rich & payers)
4.UAE League ( Rich & payers)
5.Japan League ( No chance in heel ) Konami got it for life
6.Uzbakistan League
7.Iran League ( man they have one of the biggest communities online for FIFA)

1.New Zealand League

Come on guys and gals tell me what do you think?
Yeah but it's only about 1/3 licensed isn't it? Needs to be fully licensed with proper stadia that makes you feel like you're playing in Brazil with the atmosphere and all that.

Out of the list above I can maybe see Greece being added, for most of them there's no $ advantage to EA adding them.
no , not realy there are diffrent areas leagues in Brazil and big team missing like Corenthiaz ( Ronaldo, Tchecko, R.Carlos)
Russian league is confirmed for NG this year... Im really looking for to it.

Also, about the list above, Ecuador league is useless(only LDU is really worth it)... Uruguay would be a lot better.
Maybe this will surprise some but I'm really for reducing the amount of leagues on FIFA.It obviously hinders the quality and work of developers on the most important ones.
I mean that there are leagues from all over the world and we know that they'll just be implemented for the flashy reason instead of really working hard on it in terms of authenticity (kits/Stadiums/player likeness).
One of FIFA's biggest weakness is its database
I have an idea for the Leagues
They Should Put the most important Leagues in each continent

Barclays Premier League
La liga
Ligue 1
Serie A

Etisalat Premier League(Egypt)
Nedjma Premier League(Algeria)
Tunisian Premier League(Tunisia)
South African League(South Africa)


Zain Premier League(Saudi Arabia)
Qatar Prmier League(Qatar)

I don't know about The Americas Leagues
Now the Russian league is added they should put the Argentine league in. Or add a lot of the club teams to rest of the world (San Lorenzo, Estudiantes, Racing, Hurcan, Independente, Newells Old Boys, Rosario Central, Lanus, Banfield) all these are among the greatest teams in the history of club football.
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