I know who you are.


26 July 2005
Man Utd
After doing lots of research over the last few years i have found out who most of you really are via google. Some of you try and be cool and down with the kids but the game is up i know your number.


Chris Wright.


Chris Davies.


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You should probably point out that these are all real people with the same names as us, before the thread gets closed because the mods think you've gone mental again...

Incidentally, CW, myself and you don't half look alike. It gets better as you go down, CW looks like an older version of me, and I really really look like an older version of you. And then Coopz looks like a bastard child.
Before the mods close this, I'd just like to say, it keeps him off the streets at 1:30 in the morning.
ThomasGOAL at his wedding (no offence intended here Thomas, just a bit of fun mate :))

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Stringer Bell


Milanista (kid on the right)


JayD and ^^Snoop^^


Me (again)

(okay, not using real names, but what the hell)
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Why would someone close this thread?
Didn't get it Jack, it's funny right?
Were you being sarcastic and I being stupid?

:roll:... give us more users
Well sometimes I just don't get this offtopic threads,

There are always some weird sentences I never get it,
It's kinda of mean to not english guys,

anyway It makes my job a little more supportable so whatever...
gonna just read and laugh quiet :roll:
Mean to non-English guys, what do you mean? I don't see what you're getting at...? I don't quite get what you're trying to say, and I don't know what job you have so I don't have any idea what you're talking about when you say it makes it more "supportable".

I just don't understand what you're trying to say mate, sorry. If you have any problem with any thread on the forum please feel free to PM me.

EDIT: Oh hold on, are you talking about where I say "against the rules"? I mean, what Jay is doing is he's taking the real names of members and looking up pictures of people with the same name. I was cheating and finding random pictures to assign names to. I didn't mean against the rules as in against the forum rules, I meant the rules of the "game".
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No wasn't that man I'm sorry...

I was not being specific about anything here, I said generally I see some weird sentences here in off topic thread, like in the Caption Competition for example, I just don't get some jokes due the language.

about my work I just meant it sucks so I came here often to laugh.
english sense of homour is quite different then most but it gets fun once you get the grip of context & clues included in the joke.
:lol: My picture looks nothing like me, but what the hell have "I" caught? A squirrel?
Yeah english jokes are difficult to get for a lot of people. My GF cant watch Have I Got News For You just because its too fast and offbeat. The dutch version is a bit crap in comparison, same for the dutch never mind the buzzcocks. Sometimes it just doesnt work in different languages.
This week's Have I Got News For You (with Reginald D Hunter) was the best I've seen in ages. That guy is brilliant.
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