I am back from FIFA


18 June 2005
Real Madrid
So hello guys i am back from FIFA after a couple of years playing FIFA i finally had enough and the very same thing that made me leave PES for FIFA now pushed me back here , and that is
Handicap/Momentum/Scripting . Pes always had that feel that something was working behind the scenes to keep the realism of the game in check but it was always felt in little doses , nothing over the top , than i began feeling it had a stronger inpact the last years and even posted and had heated discussions over here and other forums about it until i decided to try FIFA , I didnt accept an external element in the game helping me or my opononet back than and went to try FIFA and what a mistake it was , believe me this element is so blatant and so obvious in FIFA nowdays that the game almost plays itself out 90% of the time, and FIFA 14 is the worst case scenario i ever saw. In the Past FIFA didnt use the rubberbending element ( Handicap ) like PES did ( probably thats why in FIFA scorelines were always non realistic unlike PES) but when they began using these last couple of years they never managed it right and they went in heavy with it abusing it for buisness reasons to a point that that game is not a videogame anymore ! it just a program made to trick people into thinking they have some kind of control. I couldnt bear it anymore i just broke the dvd disk . Now im aware about the Heart etc on Pes which is probably something similiar to being handicaped but im really hoping its not as bad as the handicap system on FIFA. I read about it and at least it has some kind of rationality on how it works ( doesnt mean i agree totally with it ). but on FIFA ? oh my i cant even begin to explain . if you check around online and youtube you will fine hundreds of videos about handicap in FIFA and magic 45th and 90th minute goals and we even put up a petitioned protest towards EA ( it explains very well what is goin on over there ) this is the link to the petition for those who are interested ) :


Now my biggest fear is that PES will follow FIFA s footsteps to those levels explained into that petition , i wish Konami will have farsight on what will happen with FIFA and dont do the same mistake , Legions of players are not playing FIFA anymore and their number is increasing daily, I wish Konami and all Videogame companies take a lesson on what will happen if EA keep going ahead with this rubbering bending policy and ignoring what the fans of the game really want. For those still confused on why EA does such a thing they will find some answers in that link i posted to that petition but to summerize it i would say that they just dont want you winning most of the time or just losing most of the time, they dont want anyone losing interesting , its a buisness minded aproach making sure the casual gamers keep buying their product, and in all this the hardcore real gamers suffer the most because no matter what your skills , players and tactics you use you will always aprox win 5 and lose 5 out of 10 games and no matter what you do its always like that , People who played FIFA will understand me better. Now as i said earlier i relly hope the system on PES is nowere near as pathethic as its in FIFA . If videogames companies follow this trend the videogame industry has a very short life.

I think its VERY VERY important to point out that the scripting needed to keep things real into a virtual football game is one thing but Handicapping one side or the other corrputing the final result for other reasons its a total different thing.

I want skill to be the most important element when it comes to a sport simulator , as it stands now in FIFA the most important element is Handicap , i really hoping that skill in PES is still relevant to some important degree. please tell me it is anyone.
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Online ranked pes is for obvious reasons, the same thing.

Check mlo and you´ll see what i mean.

Console games, i believe it more than ever, are bound to amuse the casual and drive purists away.

I fear for the future of games, where one can never be to good, or too bad. Call of duty brought the formula. Everybody uses it now, one way or the other.
I think the forumla was already being used in the past for car racing games and even by PES itself but not on the level that is being used today in FIFA , this is very bad news. I think there will be an other crash in the gaming industy just like there was in the late 70s / early 80s when every company was making games with nice box arts and nothing really into the games , Nintendo saves the day back than but i dont know who can save it this time around if Gaming Companies dont change the route they took . They are the money milking the cow in short term time but in the long run they will lose everything.
Well, the link you provided is dead, probably because you couldn't post it properly

And second, I DO hope PES dies, so patchers can get back to editing PES 13 (which is an AMAZING game given all the tools that were developed for it), as PES 14 is an ATROCITY of a game (oh, and by "patchers" I meant jenkey1002) ;)
Im trying to post the link and it lets me edit it and save it ( actually the link is longer than that seen there ) but than onoce i save it the same brokne link which is there right now reapears ... strange ..
Online ranked pes is for obvious reasons, the same thing.

Check mlo and you´ll see what i mean.

Console games, i believe it more than ever, are bound to amuse the casual and drive purists away.

I fear for the future of games, where one can never be to good, or too bad. Call of duty brought the formula. Everybody uses it now, one way or the other.
Really console gamers again? I wonder if they linked to Al Qaeda too. Pay for the win game and maybe they will start to develop pes with only the p pc guys in mind
Well, the link you provided is dead, probably because you couldn't post it properly

And second, I DO hope PES dies, so patchers can get back to editing PES 13 (which is an AMAZING game given all the tools that were developed for it), as PES 14 is an ATROCITY of a game (oh, and by "patchers" I meant jenkey1002) ;)
You sir are an idiot
Yes Zee, when the PC was the leading platform for games, there were great games, who were real challenges for gamers. Now with the Consoles leading the money making, games are less accomplished as challenges for the user. They all feel rushed or lacking in key areas, be it the genre it may.

That´s what i feel, honestly.
Coming back to PES? Well, good luck!

I haven't played PES14 and never will. I swore I wouldn't touch it after the disappointment of PES13. Plus, some gamers told me PES14 is the worst of the lot.

PES13 was rubbish and PES12 was probably the worst of the series. It started going tits up with PES 2011, when they introduced analog directions. It was ok, heavily on rails and scripted, but still ok to play. And the other ones in the PS3/X360 generation were only ok too, nowhere near the last games produced for the previous generation.

And FIFA games can be amusing to play local multiplayer, but that's all for me. In terms of single player value (league, career mode, etc) it is unplayable for me.

So the healthiest decision one can make at this point is to abolish all footie games from their lives. I did this and am now preventing the yearly disappointment :)

Just play other games and hope that a softwarehouse like 2K Sports will one day get into footie games, cause right now Konami is dead in the water with this sad incarnation of PES. I even heard rumours they'd sell the franchise to another company?
I haven't played PES14 and never will. I swore I wouldn't touch it after the disappointment of PES13. Plus, some gamers told me PES14 is the worst of the lot.

If I told you that grilled cheese sandwich tasted like horse manure, would you just accept it as fact?

If you haven't played PES2014 you're in no position to have an opinion about it or the status of the franchise at present time.
Coming back to PES? Well, good luck!

I haven't played PES14 and never will. I swore I wouldn't touch it after the disappointment of PES13. Plus, some gamers told me PES14 is the worst of the lot.

PES13 was rubbish and PES12 was probably the worst of the series. It started going tits up with PES 2011, when they introduced analog directions. It was ok, heavily on rails and scripted, but still ok to play. And the other ones in the PS3/X360 generation were only ok too, nowhere near the last games produced for the previous generation.

And FIFA games can be amusing to play local multiplayer, but that's all for me. In terms of single player value (league, career mode, etc) it is unplayable for me.

So the healthiest decision one can make at this point is to abolish all footie games from their lives. I did this and am now preventing the yearly disappointment :)

Just play other games and hope that a softwarehouse like 2K Sports will one day get into footie games, cause right now Konami is dead in the water with this sad incarnation of PES. I even heard rumours they'd sell the franchise to another company?

sadly EA will never improve. They dont have to. They get the illusioned GAMERS that play of the joke thats manual and the casual bros that play for the licenses....
Oh and be my guest and pay 500+ euros to play fifa I wont.
Imagine what it would be like if we all had our own thread in which we could tell our football gaming war stories...:SMOKIN:
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