How much is this worth?


Steering 747s Up Above U!
15 December 2001
Glasgow Rangers
i've just spent the last couple of days setting up 10 computers at a friend-of-a-friend's business.

basically, i had to setup and install all 10 pcs, along with their wireless network.

the owner now wants to know how much all the work is worth that i carried out so they can account for it...

how much is the work worth, and more importantly, how much should i charge!!!
i've just spent the last couple of days setting up 10 computers at a friend-of-a-friend's business.

basically, i had to setup and install all 10 pcs, along with their wireless network.

the owner now wants to know how much all the work is worth that i carried out so they can account for it...

how much is the work worth, and more importantly, how much should i charge!!!
How long did the work take you mate?
Depends on how nice you are / how big the company is?
£200-£250 maybe? If they called in an engineer it would be a lot more...
lol, DJ Doc45!

i thought you were gonna tell me something i didn't already know! :p

'if' she had paid an official company to do the work, how much do you reckon it would cost?

i'm thinking of charging £500 for all work done:

(10x Dell Vostro 400 PCs, 10x 19" monitors, 1 rather snazzy belkin N router)

*first off, there is the unpacking of the bloody things! - gotta be worth £100 at least!

*then carting each one upstairs to the offices.

*installing vista SP1

*installing MS Office 2007

*edit: one death-defyingly, nerve-wrackingly, successful attempt at installing and backing up the entire company's sage/payroll accounts!

*connecting each to network and setting up printer-sharing

*driving 100-mile round trip with 2 of the computers/monitors to set them up in a separate office with all the above steps, including the dreaded stairs!

*get home and await my flight back to southampton!
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on another note, when i ordered the stuff from Dell, i specifically upgraded to the N-series PCI wireless cards for each machine, because there was a connection issue with the 2 pcs furthest away from the router.

when i unpacked the computers, i discovered the feckers had only stuck the bog-standard G-series cards in there! each upgrade cost £30! both of the 2 pcs that had problems before are working fine, even with the G-cards in them, due to the router being more powerful and having a much better range, so i'm now looking for a refund back to the person's card.

i've been on the phone to the guys working at the Dell center in India trying to resolve the issue, but they keep saying the will call me back but they never do! waiting since 10:45am yesterday morning...
Did you have to pay for the travel & flights?

nah, she paid...

last time i set up their computers (about 2 months ago) but they had a break-in and all the computers and monitors were stolen, so this is why i had to come back and do it ALL again.

she paid for my flight that time too, and for doing the work, she paid for my next 3 flights home. considering flybe are the rip-off merchants that they are, this was worth well over £500 quid, but i think this time i'm gonna go for the hard cash!
but she needs a figure this time around, so she can account for it and get the insurance from the stolen computers...
How about £35 an hour? (or more if they're claiming it on insurance)

£35 x 14 hours = £490

+ VAT = £575.75
i went for 12 hours @ £45&vat per hour, giving a grand total of £634.50!

and this isn't even my day job!!! :)
If the Lady is nice - Try and get a little Something Something from her......If You know what I mean.......Nudge Nudge Wink Wink.
Charge that bitch thousands, screw her for every penny, charge like 12 thousand then threaten to sue if you don't get it. Also, demand sex, T-Bone her from behind in her office, perform an ATM then have her sign the cheque, but before you leave as a sign of your dominance ask her to expose her chest while you pull down your khaks and produce a fresh Cleveland Steamer right on top of her stomach. Then walk out of the office smiling at the happy workers with their new wireless network, all of them hailing you as a hero while the 60 year old boss scrapes the deuce into her garbage receptacle.
MJ you are way underpaying yourself!!

An IT consultant would charge anything from £750 per day to do that. Therefore I would say £1500 plus expenses.

Thats what I would charge to do that myself...
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