Good Blogs to read!


10 October 2003
Hello, I Just want some blogs to read quickly during the day. (in between working ;)) )

There seems to be alot!! but not much quality that I have found.

I have two blogs at the moment that I read daily - both funny :-)

Can be very weird and surreal at times. But makes me laugh on a regular basis. It seems to be quite a new blog. The postings in February seem to be the weirdest and funniest at the moment. Also has a song of the week section which has a couple of good songs.

A great section is the Questions answered. There have only been a few questions asked. But they come up with amusing answers. I asked them Why a banana was curved? and they replied (see blog). I found it funny anyway. I will probably spend my days just asking them questions to amuse myself :))

Very funny site. All about Arsenal, but the author is very funny. He also does a podcast at the end of everyweek, which can be hilarious! They also have nice little competitions etc. I suggest you read it even if you are not an arsenal fan :DD

But they are the only ones I like at the moment. I want a few more to read.

If you have any good blogs to recommend - then do so. Funny preferably but also informational - like for gadgets and computers/consoles etc would be good. But any will do :DD is a games news/blog site and is worth a visit. I like the editors humour and how they put across the news and features. is a brilliant site for the funniest and weirdest news stories from around the world :)

Edit: Bobby, are you the editor of SprintorBlog? It sounds a LOT like you and your humour!
Last edited by a moderator: is a games news/blog site and is worth a visit. I like the editors humour and how they put across the news and features. is a brilliant site for the funniest and weirdest news stories from around the world :)

Edit: Bobby, are you the editor of SprintorBlog? It sounds a LOT like you and your humour!

It is not me :)) but it has inspired me to write a blog. I might start soon. But I really don't know if I can be arsed writing every day! so I would probably get bored.

Your right though, the wife even said to me 'that's your sort of humour' she didn't like it though :LOL:

Thanks for the recomendations dags - I will have a read through them.
Pardon my ignorance, but what actually is a blog? Just a load of posts by the same person or something? Almost like a thread on here?
Pardon my ignorance, but what actually is a blog? Just a load of posts by the same person or something? Almost like a thread on here?

Just basically your own site on the web with your own thoughts or help on a variety of things (It can be anything really) - usually you post regularly. Alot do it everyday. It's good if you get an interesting one to read. Some can be hit and miss.
i normally read Agent Zeros blog on, just to see how much of a idiot he is.

Theres a few other blogs on there to read as well, they're pretty good if you like basketball
Kotaku, arbroath, ukresistance and madox.xmission.

had a quick look through the blogs people mentioned and these ones caught my eye. I will have a proper look when I get home at all of them :))
Pardon my ignorance, but what actually is a blog? Just a load of posts by the same person or something? Almost like a thread on here?

"Blog" is from "web log", cunning eh.
I have a confession that is the site Sprint or Blog - is mine :DD

It may not be a suprise to some of you - as Dags pretty much guessed it straight away :PP

But I just wanted to see what response it got before I went public with it. So sorry for lying, I hope you can all forgive me :))

Although it didn't get much response at evo-web :PP - I have joined a couple of traffic increasing site thingys and have had some really positive reviews, which is nice. Starting to get a few hits without doing all of the Traffic site business, but very minimal.

It is really tough writing something everyday! and as you can see, I don't write everyday - especially at weekends ;)) which is bad being a blogger (Apparantly?) as there is no consistancy. But fuck it! I will try my best.

Anyway - Just thought I would put it out there and hopefully get more hits everyday.

If you have any suggestions on how to improve it - then that would be great!
I don't mean to cause offence or anything but what's the main purpose of the blog? Is it just a random ramblings blog or is it all in aid of something bigger e.g. a blog of you building a game cabinet/racer seat/losing weight/running a marathon etc etc. It is quite funny, especially the questions and answers section :LOL: - but if you want to get more hits I think you need to have a theme running throughout that people can follow. You could even have a section where you give your spin on the news/funny events. It just reminds of the maddox blog at the mo or Dylan Moran's blog.

Best of luck with it anyways mate.
Don't feel obliged to blog every day would be my advice. Keeping the quality high is what will make people come back. Aside from Jay.

Does your blogging software let you set up an RSS feed? That way people can subscribe and will be notified of any updates, which might take the pressure off you trying to blog every day.

Oh and quit your random Caps. ;)
I don't mean to cause offence or anything but what's the main purpose of the blog? Is it just a random ramblings blog or is it all in aid of something bigger e.g. a blog of you building a game cabinet/racer seat/losing weight/running a marathon etc etc. It is quite funny, especially the questions and answers section :LOL: - but if you want to get more hits I think you need to have a theme running throughout that people can follow. You could even have a section where you give your spin on the news/funny events. It just reminds of the maddox blog at the mo or Dylan Moran's blog.

Best of luck with it anyways mate.

You didn't say anything bad, so no offence taken. I need to know what people think, If I am going to improve it :DD

Its just Random ramblings really - I will have a think and see if I can have a theme of some kind. But the whole point is that it is just stuff that comes into my head at the time......hmmmmmm

Thanks for youur input though - verymuch appreciated.

Don't feel obliged to blog every day would be my advice. Keeping the quality high is what will make people come back. Aside from Jay.

Does your blogging software let you set up an RSS feed? That way people can subscribe and will be notified of any updates, which might take the pressure off you trying to blog every day.

Oh and quit your random Caps. ;)

I don't think I have the discipline to post everyday, so that shouldn't be a problem ;))

I will look into the rss feed - cheers.

Also I can't help the random caps - its an affliction :DD

Thanks both of you for your views and opinions :))
Will Sprintorblog be updated? :)

I have let it go for the last few months as I usually update it at the beginning of my working day. But my work has gone a bit CRAZY! and I have about a million things to do.

but I will start doing it again probably in the new year when everything at work has calmed down :DD I will have to update when I get home from work or something.

Might start doing it again soon though...It's funny as the wife asked me about it a couple of days ago aswell?! spooky...
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