Fuel PC, PS3, 360

So a racing game where you can go anywhere... but then aren't you supposed to be on the track? Unless they're aiming for a smugglers run style checkpoint race?
gave it a shot, handling is okay but the open world is pretty boring and loading times are a huge let down, you have to wait for a whole loading cycle after EVERY single mission.
loading times didnt take that long, well handling depends, like some cars are horrible for off-roads, personally the motorbike is the best for handling and does well off and on road

i'd give this one a rent really see if people like it or not

just depends what ur cup of tea is really
From what I've heard the handling is very similar to Dirt, which was rubbish IMO, like driving bars of soap across a frozen lake. Grid is better but it doesn't come close to games like Forza and PGR (but unfortunately they're both Xbox exclusives).
Dirt was a good game when you mastered it

Is there a demo of this?
Rented this and I must say it's pants. The worlds are nice and open and from afar look nice but the repetition and some of the up close graphics suck diddly uck.
The water is a joke, the damage is, from what I could see almost nothing. The races were dull and the collisions were laughable.
I have not been on line but I can't see that being any better, I have it for a week but I'll try the on line tomorrow then drop it back in, I'd rather be washing up with my eyes closed, it would be more thrilling than this...

I would whole heartedly say rent or try before you buy...
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