FIFA/EASFC and PES/eFootball: Contrast & Compare

Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

But great, so to enjoy the game I have to play with Player Cam with Fixed Cursor. Just what I want.
I see you edited your post to add this comment. So no "Thanks for the suggestion, but that doesn't really help me," just... this. That's great man. You're welcome.
Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

I see you edited your post to add this comment. So no "Thanks for the suggestion, but that doesn't really help me," just... this. That's great man. You're welcome.

Sorry. It's just frustrating when you bring up issues with PES and the response is that you have to play with this or that setting. It gets old hearing people talk about how awesome the game is, but not when played with default settings, formations, tactics, player stats, etc.
Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

Try 15 minutes, -1 or -2 speed, manual passing and shooting if you looking for the sim elements in PES. I know full well that is just default settings 7-10 minutes. On top player i scored from 30 yards with my first shot on the game using default shooting.

Didnt understood exactly what you mean, but the game was 15 minutes with -1 speed, level 1 pass and basic shooting , with mid range cam.
Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

Didnt understood exactly what you mean, but the game was 15 minutes with -1 speed, level 1 pass and basic shooting , with mid range cam.

Basic shooting and Level 1 passing is too easy man :) Use full manual, manual shooting. Manual passing alone changes the whole game.
Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

Pedders, see where you fall down here is someone like me had a similar experience with FIFA as me but you never answered the question at all.

Infact all you said was, i know FIFA is slow but I'm having fun and PES is shit? :BLINK:

I mean all your saying is PES is shit compared to glorious FIFA and your talking so much about PES being arcadey, yet it sounds horrible but i played PES 2016 last night on.

Top player
-1 speed
full manual passing and shooting

On those settings, the nice slow pace people love in FIFA, first touch, inertia, ball physics, variety of chances, where all happening and much much more in PES, since in PES the AI, due to the superior individuality. I was playing as Arsenal and yes, despite Man City's formation being totally fucked up, with a outdated lineup with Lampard playing as attacking mid, David Sivla was still chief creator! in the first half there was only one chance! It was doing everything FIFA could offer me in pure gameplay!

This is why i said EA Sports is going down a dead end, last night i compared the PES 2016 settings i played on to FIFA 16 and its horrible i know to say but PES was playing like FIFA 16 and doing everything FIFA 16 was, but much better, more advanced and finally 10x more free! Your not forced into a way of playing in PES unlike in every FIFA game, slow buildup with Arsenal was effective!

My point is EA this year have gone all out to structure the gameplay heavily into being this slow paced game where passing slowly and methodically up the field is the only way to play with ALL the AI teams playing in the same way so the whole game plays in one style. You really cant play any other way!

Then you have PES who make the default game, fun accessible but rather easy and just give you simple and easy options to make it a simulation if you wish.

FIFA shits on PES heavily in terms of atmosphere and immersion with commentary but in gameplay for me its not even a contest. I haven't even started editing tactics yet on PES and teams play with personality FIFA is a whole generation away from. Sorry EA for me have cut way too many corners and the only way forward is to completely strip the engine bare, revamp it and move on from there.

Try 15 minutes, -1 or -2 speed, manual passing and shooting if you looking for the sim elements in PES. I know full well that is just default settings 7-10 minutes. On top player i scored from 30 yards with my first shot on the game using default shooting.
No one has cut more corners than PES, especially in defensive awareness. A good majority of goals on TP or Superstar are down to just awful defensive AI where a defender literally just watches you run by. That kind of stuff is acceptable on lower levels but not on Top Player and above.

They took the easy way out and made a wide-open game that's very accessible to the masses. No fouls, overpowered shooting, easy assisted controls (manual passing is quite easy too), poor keepers that let in a lot of goals.

I agree that there's a better representation in there IF you take the time to play with settings (I use TP, -1 speed, all manual assists), adjust fluid formations, and even add traits to create more fouls but for a game that prides itself on "gameplay" there's nothing there out of the box that reminds me of what I just watched on TV in the Cap1 matches.

Where's the passing error, the minnows absorbing pressure, hoofing it up the pitch, hacking down players, poor 1st touches because of pitch conditions and poor delivery?

I love PES just as much as anyone and I won't give up on it this year no matter what but it resembles very little of a proper match.
Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

No one has cut more corners than PES, especially in defensive awareness. A good majority of goals on TP or Superstar are down to just awful defensive AI where a defender literally just watches you run by. That kind of stuff is acceptable on lower levels but not on Top Player and above.

They took the easy way out and made a wide-open game that's very accessible to the masses. No fouls, overpowered shooting, easy assisted controls (manual passing is quite easy too), poor keepers that let in a lot of goals.

I agree that there's a better representation in there IF you take the time to play with settings (I use TP, -1 speed, all manual assists), adjust fluid formations, and even add traits to create more fouls but for a game that prides itself on "gameplay" there's nothing there out of the box that reminds me of what I just watched on TV in the Cap1 matches.

Whats interesting is what Adam said around E3 leading up the gamescom, they where just trying to get people to play PES and give it a try so they have gone for a very easy accessible approach which explains why PES 2016 just feels easy on the default settings.

Not sure how this is 'cutting corners' at all. its a strategy to get more people playing the game. 1 bar passing is easy, which is the total opoosite to last year where it was brilliant, was really well executed and more suitable to playing the AI than full manual.

Cutting a corner is trying to implement something but not doing it in a way where it works and its balanced throughout the game. Konami have done what they set out to do. We will have to wait and see if they change the gameplay in upcoming patches on the basic settings front despite the settings i use being fine with me anyway.

Where's the passing error, the minnows absorbing pressure, hoofing it up the pitch,

I've seen this already in PES 2016 in copa libertadores
Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

After a day playing Fifa, I honestly think that Fifa is not a game for me definetly, its very disappointing tbh:

Offline on world class is unplayable. I will post some videos that higlight how absurd is the passing speed from AI, its just laughablle how strong they make the pass at times.

And online is also ridiculous. Things happen randomly, its too much based on luck (ex.
You conceed or get a penalty by luck, in every challenge, it seems to be random as to wich players wil The balll will be under controll in the end) . And I really feel that the game favours one method of game. The game is tottaly oriented for one gameplay style, that is, passing the ball quickly, no much plan envolved to organize your attacking plays. It seems to me that when you play a slow possession football game, the game aritificially adapts passing movement speed to "fit" to that style, and it does in a very dumb way. Passes become weak (Special lateral pass aorund the midfield), and once the pass is made, players wait way to much to take comtrol of the ball. Theres zero balance in terms of the pressure your opponent make and on you and the speed of passes and movement once you start to play slowly, pass make backwords or make lateral passes.

I always heard people saying how much fifa is one play style oriented, now I can see it perfectly.
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Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

This is what I see constantly when I play PES this year (not saying this to inflame, but people say FIFA's AI is pass happy)... Arsenal v Liverpool (me).

All I see on Superstar (and Top Player is too easy from the games I've played tonight) is this kind of constant knocking it around the field without getting anywhere.

Then suddenly, I find the AI realises it needs a goal, and puts together a string of first-time-passes I can't get near, and boom, goal.

Then, back to the knocking-the-ball-around.

If FIFA is boring in terms of the build-up play then Christ, so is this.

There's things in the game I love - dribbling feels so much better in PES for me this year, and that's not something I ever thought I'd say, and defending too - but like people say "the glamour of FIFA wears off after a few months, every year it's the same", I feel like that about PES this year. There's a few things that make the game feel a lot better, but then the same AI patterns emerge and you kind of sit back and go "ohhhhhh, fuck, it still does that, it still wins games by doing that" (and if there's scripting in FIFA, there's deeeeeefinitely scripting in PES, too).

(Someone said "don't press the AI and it won't do that" - tried that to no avail in this particular match.)

That old style AI and its "tricks", along with the dodgy goalkeepers, no fouls, the ML games all being at night, and the 2014/15 rosters (even with the update around the corner), makes it feel like a tweaked PS2 game in those respects, with the odd stand-out next-gen feature placed on top to distract you from that fact.

To quote Pere Ubu:

Still enjoying the football very much, but, err.... I started the "all new" Master League and...

> It's almost exactly the same as the old Master League except with new menus

> Of my first 7 games, 6 of them were away games

> My first 7 games were all at night, which might be fair enough if I was Barcelona, but I was Stade de Reims - they still play in the day in France sometimes, don't they?

> International games still take place one day before league matches, every time

...what do the Konami team actually do all year?

Against friends it's great but I think I'm done playing the AI already, unless playing on Top Player as a Championship team works in terms of being fair.

Playing as a Championship team against a similarly-rated team on Superstar is even worse, in my experience (see my post from earlier):

...using the Konami Cup to create [the FA Cup] (you can't just select an existing cup unless it's an international cup sadly), I picked Bolton Wanderers and got drawn against Watford, who were a single star-rating better than my team. I played on Superstar, and it was fucking dreadful.

Watford's players were doing first-time passes that were 100% accurate, and weirdly this didn't fit with the Premier League games I've played in PES where the passing accuracy has been relatively sane, and the final stats comparable to real-life. This was anything but.

They didn't keep the ball long enough for me to ever get a tackle in, and within 20 minutes they'd scored from a string of first-time passes that landed on a striker's boot on the edge of the box, who hit the ball into the corner with ease.

The majority of the rest of the game was Watford playing it along the back line, even when I stopped pressing them in desperation, and the few times (maybe twice) I managed to get into a position to shoot, a defender managed to block the shot at the last second.

At no point did I feel like I was being outplayed by a team that were just more talented than mine. It just wasn't a level playing field, and Watford had the ruthlessness of other-worldly beings, not human beings.

All the above sums up PES for me this year.
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Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

Whats interesting is what Adam said around E3 leading up the gamescom, they where just trying to get people to play PES and give it a try so they have gone for a very easy accessible approach which explains why PES 2016 just feels easy on the default settings.

Not sure how this is 'cutting corners' at all. its a strategy to get more people playing the game. 1 bar passing is easy, which is the total opoosite to last year where it was brilliant, was really well executed and more suitable to playing the AI than full manual.

Cutting a corner is trying to implement something but not doing it in a way where it works and its balanced throughout the game. Konami have done what they set out to do. We will have to wait and see if they change the gameplay in upcoming patches on the basic settings front despite the settings i use being fine with me anyway.

I've seen this already in PES 2016 in copa libertadores

But after all the critical success that PES 2015 achieved they dumbed it down even more to make it arcadey and appeal to the masses. Defensive awareness was not this broken in PES 2015. I played a ton of PES, using your formations (thank you btw), and I didn't see the issues I'm seeing now with defensive awareness.

Even after using the same fluid formations (since the rosters are the same - i know cheapshot) I'm seeing incredible lapses in defensive AI by both sides. I see the CPU Defense backpeddle deep into the box allowing me a free shot on goal.

I'm playing a Copa Lib right now with Nacional. It's more wide open than regular ML. It makes for some exciting matches but the only real thing that brings passing % down by the CPU is interceptions, especially on through balls (which ironically your CPU teammates play better on defense).

The CPU does do a better job at changing their mentality throughout a match but even that isn't on the same level as FIFA. I've seen FIFA sub off a striker this year while up a goal and a man down, putting on another midfield to set up shop. I can't say the same thing about PES, partly because there aren't enough fouls to get a man sent off.
Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

Cutting a corner is trying to implement something but not doing it in a way where it works and its balanced throughout the game. Konami have done what they set out to do. We will have to wait and see if they change the gameplay in upcoming patches on the basic settings front despite the settings i use being fine with me anyway.

Except that shooting, passing, keepers, and defensive AI all are either unbalanced or implemented poorly, or both, to some degree. Call it cutting corners or whatever, it's a problem.

We ridiculed FIFA for years for making a pick-up and play game, for focusing on accessibility and sensationalism over skill and football fundamentals. Now PES is doing the same thing. It might be the best PES in a generation, but a masterpiece it is not.

And just like how playing manual never truly "fixed" FIFA's problems, it doesn't fix the problems in PES this year. Playing manual might make for a more challenging, satisfying experience, but it's not fixing anything.
Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

Whats interesting is what Adam said around E3 leading up the gamescom, they where just trying to get people to play PES and give it a try so they have gone for a very easy accessible approach which explains why PES 2016 just feels easy on the default settings.
You and I had a few PES 2015 discussions last year. And this is the identical argument and reasoning you used all last year to explain away the many issues with PES 2015, all the same issues Konami didn't bother to fix this year such as over-powered shooting, easy repetitive goals, keepers who can't save low corner shots, etc. And now you're using this same argument again to explain why PES 2016 plays the way it does. :THINK:
Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

I considered trading in PES when I got FIFA but chose to keep it because there's a lot that I really enjoy about its gameplay.

For me it kinda feels like FIFA is a good action movie and PES is a good book - I can choose whichever based upon my current mood.

I do feel like PES has more "gamebreaking" issues that let me down, with the biggest being how empty it feels scoring goals. Kind of a big deal. But I'll keep playing it, hoping it grows more on me like people keep saying, and also with the hopes that Konami patch it.

It is a little frustrating because both games are just a couple issues away from being truly special.

Seems like we´re coming from kind of the same corner and that comparison is a very good one.

About scoring goals that feel empty:
I´m having exact the same problem but still wanted to give PES more chances.

Now even I never really wanted to, but yesterday I set passing to manual and shooting as well.
And I really have to say: that limited feeling was gone!
I felt like I had much more freedom on the pitch.
I used to have passing level 1 on but I always felt the passing happened on limited, so scripted.
It´s really way too assisted (probably hardly any difference to level 2 or 3).

Manual shooting offers a lot more variation.
I struggled with it at first but after some time I got to it and the goals felt a lot more rewarding!
Not so empty anymore.
Went with my right winger into the box, his face 90 degress to the goal and he took a shot with his left foot.
The ball hit the post, then the backhead of the keeper who was on the ground trying to save the shot and slowly rolled almost over the line, but the keeper took it.

Haven´t seen that before.
Also very weird:
The CPU seemed to have more variation in its shots too.

I think that´s the problem with PES.
The basic settings seem to provide kind of a scripted, limited gameplay in terms of passing and shooting.
At least in my point of view.

But on full manual it feels a lot different and plays much better.

I´ll stick to full manual now, even I never really wanted to.

But the game kind of forced me into it, which shouldn´t be the case though.
Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

In theory, using manual passing with basic shooting would still give you potentially more outcomes as the ball is not always being received on the typical "rails" and you might see players running onto a ball for a shot or a cross rather than being at the exact spot where the ball is played. Of course, this won't affect shooting when the ball is at your feet via a jogging/running action but if you don't feel comfortable with full manual shooting, try just manual passing. Alternatively, hold down the manual modifier for crosses or short lay offs to see more variety - i.e. guys running onto headers or volleys etc
Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

if you don't feel comfortable with full manual shooting, try just manual passing.
How could anyone feel uncomfortable, maybe a complete football gaming rookie I suppose. Manual shooting in both games as been dumbed way down. Pro-level manual shooting accuracy in FIFA feels like Amateur from a couple years back. And PES 15/16 manual shooting is so easy it's debatable whether that setting is actually broken, feels more like full auto.
Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

Yeah, I've already switched to manual shooting in PES. I miss more, that's for sure, but I can't say that I've noticed a huge improvement in variety in goals scored, or a greater feeling of satisfaction.

Manual passing might be the answer. I've tried it, I don't like it (I find it just as limiting as it is freeing), but I'll probably give it another go.

But like has been said, it's not cool that playing manual is necessary to enjoy the game.
Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

But like has been said, it's not cool that playing manual is necessary to enjoy the game.
If it was the default way to play, or it said this on the box ("the game isn't fun until you learn how to play with manual controls"), imagine what the sales figures would look like.

The game should be fun for everyone - at worst, the game should be for the majority. The majority ain't going to take the time to learn how to string two passes together on manual controls. I'm lucky if I've got an hour a night to play, I'm not going to spend months-worth of game time playing on lower difficulties and making Premier League players pass like Sunday League amateurs until the month when I just "get used to it".

If it needs manual controls*, strip every other option out, get rid of every trace of non-realism, and market (and develop) the game as a full-blown simulation.

But honestly, I don't think that's the case - I think people are making excuses** and saying "this fixes the game look, all that crappy stuff doesn't happen now!" The crappy stuff still happens.

If you prefer manual controls, brilliant! Enjoy it, and that's great. But I don't think passing it off as a solve-all solution is right. The core doesn't change, and the shots on target from miles out still cause the keeper to give you a free corner and / or result in a belter of a goal, out of nowhere, over and over again.

* For the record, I'm enjoying it with the default controls, but that's because I accept the limitations of the gameplay - of which there are plenty, like with literally any sports game. As with every PES ever, the only bit I don't enjoy is the usual non-gameplay-related bollocks, e.g. the all-night-games ML with the rosters from last year and the random form arrows that make hat-trick heroes depressed for no reason whatsofuckingever.

** A) This sounds offensive but isn't meant to be, and B) FIFA players do it too...
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Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

PES has glaring problems, like really 'how the fuck have they not got X sorted' type of problems, but I find myself saving replays with PES, and stopping the game and saving a snippet myself, a hell of a lot ( I have 26 goals/plays/skills) saved so far in just a couple of days play.
I barely saved anything from FIFA 15 - not to say I don't have fun vs our kid

Have said since around PES 2013 that PES isn't that far from greatness - behind the utter shitheap we've seen over the years is a fabulous game wanting to get out - well, this year it has started to crown ....but the 3 or 4 glaring issues stop me from proclaiming 'the King is back'.

Haven't played FIFA 16 hardly yet but if I was to sum up FIFA and PES it'd be:
FIFA: Gareth Barry - good consistant player, if a little uninspiring
PES: Mario Balotelli - moments of genius spoiled almost completely by terrible application
Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

Roster-Update for Online-Modes: 1.10.
Roster-Update for Offline-Modes: 29.10.

This is the biggest joke ever, PES is dead. People who are playing offline, should return the game.
Possible legal positions get talked about all the time when it comes to angry gamers, but you know what, I wonder how legal it is to assert that you're getting a 2016 (i.e. 15/16) football game while the data is a year out of date, with no update for a month and a half of gameplay.

For me, it's certainly not fit for purpose. I'm waiting to start a Master League and everything else I'm doing has been playing around while I'm waiting for the update.

It's a scandal, and yet people are still finding excuses for Konami as if they're bedroom patch-makers rather than a renowned games company.

When it comes to PES, we deserve all the things off-the-pitch that never change, I swear to God. We let them shaft us every year because too many of us defend the gameplay and just let everything else slide.
Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

It's definitely not legal to use PS4 screenshots to sell the game on PC (steam). But hey, it's Konami.

Just wanted to say a thanks to all those posting on here, have chosen FIFA largely off the back of the excellent discourse. Think as all the posters have gotten older the level of debate has seriously evolved! Can't believe how many years it's been...
Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

'Update-gate' is just the latest in a long line of reasons why I've completely lost respect for Konami/PES Productions. I can only assume they have serious organisational problems. They seem to operate in a way that is oblivious to the wider world of gaming around them. Very archaic, very unprofessional and too easily let-off-the-hook by many fans.
Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

the update issue from konami is bullshit, they obviously wanted a chunk of sales before fifa was released

that being said I bought fifa so now own both.
for me despite its issues PES is the far more enjoyable.

For comparison I played brazil v chillie on both. FIFA was a chore to play, it tries to be slow and technical but fails for me and deep down it is FIFA 15. It was just an effort to play and just had no excitement.

Switch to PES and instantly the play and balance is miles ahead, individuality shines through (there was glimpses in fifa with sanchez but nothing compared to PES)

PES manages to be both technical with abilities whilst still capturing the flow and excitement was FIFA lacks

I also got more fouls in this game than I did on FIFA

AS for keeper gate a few edits maxing the keepers stats looks to have sorted them out so I'm confident the next patch will fix them
Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

I should be purchasing FIFA 16 for Xbox One tomorrow.

Just to clarify, what are the obvious differences between the demo and the retail version? A friend of mine claims the difficulty level has decreased. I hope this isn't the case as I found Professional to be pretty balanced. Overcoming the opposition may have been very challenging, but it was fun and victories were attainable. Could anyone confirm or disconfirm this for me? Thank you very much in advance.
Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

But after all the critical success that PES 2015 achieved they dumbed it down even more to make it arcadey and appeal to the masses. Defensive awareness was not this broken in PES 2015. I played a ton of PES, using your formations (thank you btw), and I didn't see the issues I'm seeing now with defensive awareness.

Even after using the same fluid formations (since the rosters are the same - i know cheapshot) I'm seeing incredible lapses in defensive AI by both sides. I see the CPU Defense backpeddle deep into the box allowing me a free shot on goal.

I'm playing a Copa Lib right now with Nacional. It's more wide open than regular ML. It makes for some exciting matches but the only real thing that brings passing % down by the CPU is interceptions, especially on through balls (which ironically your CPU teammates play better on defense).

The CPU does do a better job at changing their mentality throughout a match but even that isn't on the same level as FIFA. I've seen FIFA sub off a striker this year while up a goal and a man down, putting on another midfield to set up shop. I can't say the same thing about PES, partly because there aren't enough fouls to get a man sent off.

That was in FIFA 15 also.

PES does that depending on the formation, if a team is winning then switches to a defensive formation if someone is out of position they will put a more suitable player on. Which formations did you use for what teams btw, i haven't used any, i hate doing things then when you know they will just be wiped out and you have to redo them.
Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

You and I had a few PES 2015 discussions last year. And this is the identical argument and reasoning you used all last year to explain away the many issues with PES 2015, all the same issues Konami didn't bother to fix this year such as over-powered shooting, easy repetitive goals, keepers who can't save low corner shots, etc. And now you're using this same argument again to explain why PES 2016 plays the way it does. :THINK:

yes, and?

To be honest i think what most of us forget even myself is that these games aren't made specifically for us and out tastes, but made to please a whole audience of people so its important to have the empathy to understand what others want.

Even for me, what one person says is broken the other just wouldn't recognize anything.
Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

I also got more fouls in this game than I did on FIFA

Maybe in a one off match, but I find it very difficult to believe that, that's the case more often than not. In fact, I'd say not a chance in hell. I get fouls galore on FIFA 16. You know, fouls that aren't just slide tackles which are the only ones the ref seems to call in PES 2016.
Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

You and I had a few PES 2015 discussions last year. And this is the identical argument and reasoning you used all last year to explain away the many issues with PES 2015, all the same issues Konami didn't bother to fix this year such as over-powered shooting, easy repetitive goals, keepers who can't save low corner shots, etc. And now you're using this same argument again to explain why PES 2016 plays the way it does. :THINK:

yes, and?

To be honest i think what most of us forget even myself is that these games aren't made specifically for us and out tastes, but made to please a whole audience of people so its important to have the empathy to understand what others want.

Even for me, what one person says is broken the other just wouldn't recognize anything.

This gameplay seems like a marketing strategy to get as many people used to the game and playing as possible.
Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

Maybe in a one off match, but I find it very difficult to believe that, that's the case more often than not. In fact, I'd say not a chance in hell. I get fouls galore on FIFA 16. You know, fouls that aren't just slide tackles which are the only ones the ref seems to call in PES 2016.

FIFA does have more fouls but neither are realistic . Playing WC Liverpool v Everton on FIFA I got 2, hardly realistic
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