They are speaking about a new partner but they don't say it's 2k. As long as there is no official statement, this is all only speculation.
How can it be fully licensed if EA (and Konami!) still hold some exclusive rights?
It's being heavily rumoured everywhere that this is highly probable an agreement has been made, but I think people need to be realistic and understand even if that's the case, this game won't be out until next year at the earliest.

Football games are complex to make and to make one that lives up to our current standards and expectations, it's not something you can knockout from scratch in year.

The alternate scenario is that this partnership has been preliminarily agreed as far back as last year when the relationship between EA and FIFA started to breakdown and FIFA shopped around, maybe they approached 2K and they started working on some concept engines and once an agreement was more solidified, Maybe 2K committed more to developing a football game.

Who knows, I'm speculating but time will tell. There will of course be the issues of licenses and maybe 2K will just aim for another FUT clone where licenses don't matter.
i hope they dont use old gen....because last year NBA2K used on PC last Gen and on consoles Next Gen 🤣🤣 what a big joke
When I see the word "fifa" in the title, I automatically don't believe in this idea hahaha
To be honest " realistic gameplay",what many of us would like,it won't sell on a global scale. Regardless of whether the new FIFA is created by 2K or another manufacturer, the game will be profit-oriented. Profit for FIFA and the game producer. And the largest target to achieve this are very young people and children. Therefore, the game must be arcade-like, fast, effective and relatively simple. In addition, there is a strong emphasis on online and paid add-ons.Of course, someone could put 2 game modes in one game. Arcade mode and realistic mode. But it would cost the creators twice as much work and the single-player mode does not bring as much profit as the online mode. Therefore, it is not profitable for the creators. Neither 2K nor EA will create a game for us, i.e. on a global scale, a very small group of players who want a football game with realistic gameplay, good physics and a good career mode. If a group of modders and football enthusiasts could actively participate in creating such a game from the beginning, then we would get such a game:)
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If 2K makes a football game it won't be arcade. Idk where these rumours are coming from.
The rumors have been going on in the games industry for a while. They opened a studio in Vancouver and from what has been going through the rumor mill people where surprised/disappointed that it is not going in the simulation area they were expecting.
The rumors have been going on in the games industry for a while. They opened a studio in Vancouver and from what has been going through the rumor mill people where surprised/disappointed that it is not going in the simulation area they were expecting.
I'm sorry but I will trust the more reliable sources I have within 2K.
I'm sorry but I will trust the more reliable sources I have within 2K.

Anyhow the rumor I heard going around has been a more arcade experience and more into the experience similar to MyPark/The City.

Which definitely would be an interesting direction and a differentiator.
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For all their issues nba2k games might have with microtransactions at least their gameplay is a pretty sim experience. All these years Football games dont even come close to that.
Not really excited if it's really 2k. Given their trackrecord, it will be infested with microtransactions and the pc port will be based on old gen consoles.
Not really excited if it's really 2k. Given their trackrecord, it will be infested with microtransactions and the pc port will be based on old gen consoles.

Why would the PC version be based on old gen consoles??
It is a brand new game and engine and if released by 2K it will be next gen only including PC.

Of all the 2K games it is only NBA which isn't next gen on PC.
The world has changed - People don't want sim games anymore.
This is the sad truth - well, I don't know how true it is, but it's what devs believe.

I still vehemently believe that, in the same way racing games have every possible flavour from full-sim to full-arcade with everything in-between (even coining the term "sim-cade")...

...if that happened with football games, and we suddenly got a sim (or something close), I think there'd be a huge uptake. Think of how Football Manager is still going strong, think of all the analysis you find out there (even on the likes of Tiktok, where your core audience is very young, there are popular tacticians breaking down games)... Think of all the nerdy, stat-based podcasts that exist.

The audience is more intelligent than ever and yet EA feed them the most dumbed-down twitch-based action gameplay ever, and Konami just carry on moving their creaking old gameplay experience closer and closer to it. But they're the only "real" choices.

I really think there's a huge opportunity, for the first dev who comes along and does anything other than try to clone FUT (with dollar-signs in their eyes).

That's unless EA do it first when a business brain sees the value in splitting EAFC into two games, FC Real™ and FC Ultimate Team™, adding an extra revenue stream - think of how many football fans would have to buy both (one to play something that resembles actual football, and one to continue the FUT grind).

But that dream died long ago for me.

There's an opportunity for 2K to be a genuine alternative (if the rumours are true) - but there was for "UFL" too, and "Goals", and look what they're doing. So I'll have zero hope until the day I play something new and don't (without exaggeration) turn it off within five minutes because of how little effort it takes to do the most difficult things in football, with any player, with any team.
Money makes the world go round for the companies making these games. Unfortunately, football is not popular enough with nerds for the "indie scene" to make their own game. Yes, someone like myself could do it but then the standards set by the user base for these kinds of games are so high, it would be almost impossible to get in. If one single animation is "clunky" then your game is dead to these guys.

EA are right now living off the proceeds of The Sims and FC (Ultimate team really). They are never going to upset that money stream, as long as people buy it, the game will always remain the same and suit that group.

Konami. I have no idea what they thought were doing with their latest iterations. I guess try and find a way to tap in to EA's money stream?

Honestly, I dont know much about 2K games. I dont play Basketball but last time I did, I found it an extremely limited experience. The game, like vanilla FIFA/FC, had limited and very sweaty ways to "win". That was about 2/3 years ago, it may have changed? So based on that experience, I dont hold much hope. Cynical, I know.
Money makes the world go round for the companies making these games. Unfortunately, football is not popular enough with nerds for the "indie scene" to make their own game. Yes, someone like myself could do it but then the standards set by the user base for these kinds of games are so high, it would be almost impossible to get in. If one single animation is "clunky" then your game is dead to these guys.

EA are right now living off the proceeds of The Sims and FC (Ultimate team really). They are never going to upset that money stream, as long as people buy it, the game will always remain the same and suit that group.

Konami. I have no idea what they thought were doing with their latest iterations. I guess try and find a way to tap in to EA's money stream?

Honestly, I dont know much about 2K games. I dont play Basketball but last time I did, I found it an extremely limited experience. The game, like vanilla FIFA/FC, had limited and very sweaty ways to "win". That was about 2/3 years ago, it may have changed? So based on that experience, I dont hold much hope. Cynical, I know.
We can criticise NBA2k for many things but calling the offline portion of the game a limited experience is weird. MyLeague is a really deep mode, gameplay is still a blast offline if you want to play the sim way.
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