Let me begin by saying that for most football games that have ever existed (yes, I AM old!), I have to liked to witness them initially in 'demo' mode, looking for things that are realistically implemented, and these days, since FIFA 11/PES 2011 and now onto FIFA 12/PES 2012, I am concentrating on CPU
skills and tricks, especially now that:-
1:- PES 2012 now has the CPU trying all manner of tricks, mostly at contextually believeable times...
2:- FIFA 12 has done a fine job of implementing tricks that the CPU can attempt during a game, rather like FIFA 11 on console did, which sadly us PC owners didnt experience. Even after all
manner of mods were attempted to get the CPU to use tricks, it just wasnt within the PC version's code for CPU to show tricks being as it was using the console FIFA 10 engine. FIFA 12 also superbly has realtime ball physics affecting if they come off or not, that is bloody cool.
On to FIFA 12 then, and today, since I got the demo at 10:30am, like an excited schoolboy on Xmas Day, I have watched many CPU vs CPU games to see what occurs, and boy, did I see some tricks!
Weirdly though, I didnt encounter ANY tricks except very subtle skill moves in my first match between Barcelona and Man City (was the same in all subsequent matches between the same teams and all other teams except AC Milan)...........yes, the only team I have found using tricks at all, and extensively as well, is AC Milan, and after watching 5 matches of AC Milan vs AC Milan to maximise the amount of tricks I can witness in one game (yes, I am sad!), I can safely say that EA have certainly put CPU tricks in this time (well, for AC Milan!) and in a very believeable manner.
I have seen, in one match, (bearing in mind he is playing on both sides lol) Ibrahimovic doing 6 different 'trick' skill moves, most of which I can recall were in that Skills Video released a week or so ago with Nani doing them, although as yet I haven't seen any Rabona's or Marseille Roulettes, fingers crossed!
I came to the conclusion that maybe the game has been coded so that we have great passing teams that don't utilise tricks as such (Barcelona and some would say Man City I guess), and other teams (AC Milan) that don't possibly pass as good generally but that rely on individual skills/tricks, and its kind of real life in that sense, with AC Milan being full of tricksters (Irba / Robinho / even Pato in this demo, he does them too), and Barcelona relying, as in real life, on wonderfully fluent one touch passing rather than any individual tricks.
I'd love to hear from others who have looked out for tricks other than those they are doing themselves whilst playing the demo, I know for sure that modders such as Everos, Regularcat and Fidel have tried with they're FIFA mods to increase the likelyhood of CPU tricks being utilised (Regcat quite rightly stated on many occasions that its just not possible, by editing ini files, to get the CPU doing tricks if its just not in the .EXE)..............and these modders will, I am sure, have witnessed some very heart warming CPU intelligence regarding tricks in this great demo.
These same great modders will no doubt be able to get all teams/skilled players showing more tricks given time, and can I lastly mention how great it is to also see Yair25 is on the case with FIFA as well as PES now, he really did transform PES 2011 completely, Konami really should employ him, even though the PES 2012 first demo is brilliant in lots of ways already.
Bring them mods on!!!

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