Fifa 11: Which difficulty-level is the most realistic one?

Fifa 11: Which difficulty-level reflects real football?

  • amateur

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • semi-pro

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • professional

    Votes: 17 43.6%
  • world-class

    Votes: 14 35.9%
  • legendary

    Votes: 7 17.9%

  • Total voters
Oh c'mon, this is a trick question! Legendary is probably the most realistic for the offensive AI, since it has major issues with missing sitters, playing any form of intelligent football, and I never see the CPU score two or more goals against me on lower difficulties, whilst Professional might be the most realistic for the defensive AI. So in the end I guess you're stuck with WC but I'm not going to vote since the defensive and offensive AI difficulty levels are so different IMO.
Oh c'mon, this is a trick question! Legendary is probably the most realistic for the offensive AI, since it has major issues with missing sitters, playing any form of intelligent football, and I never see the CPU score two or more goals against me on lower difficulties, whilst Professional might be the most realistic for the defensive AI. So in the end I guess you're stuck with WC but I'm not going to vote since the defensive and offensive AI difficulty levels are so different IMO.

That's an interesting observation and if confirmed, maybe we should tell EA to create a new difficulty-level called "real", that would have the defensive on professional and offensive on legendary.
I would vote if there was a difficulty level smart enough to do a single pass backwards in a whole match.

Regarding AI cheating/boosts, it's obvious Professional is the most fair of them, but it can turn shit depending on home/away, cups, an other CM variables and context. The way to go would be never make an artificail boost to CPU and always stick to stats.
That's an interesting observation and if confirmed, maybe we should tell EA to create a new difficulty-level called "real", that would have the defensive on professional and offensive on legendary.

Another option, which is what I've been asking for and would fit in nicely with the idea of sliders and more customized gameplay options for offline, would be to allow different difficulty settings for offense and defense. If I could play FIFA 11 at Legendary setting for offensive AI and Professional for defensive (even better for me would be a mixture of Pro and WC for CPU defense as Pro can be a little stupid at times), I'd probably have enjoyed the game far more and still be playing regularly.

After all, everyone's idea of what most resembles realistic football varies.

From gameplay to CM to editing, I say the more options the better. I don't see this as being in line with EA's design philosophy but we can hope.

(I'd also love to see an additional slow setting adding, like how PES has -2. Not only would this lead to more realistic play, IMO, it would also influence the difficulty level.)
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I find on proffesional the AI rarely shoots and reguaraly looses the ball at the back as in it lets you tackle thae last defender. WC for me
If you want realistic football then never use default gameplay settings from FIFA. Use some gameplay patch, IMO the best choice for now is Hybrid Gameplay Patch.
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