Contact Konami Here Regarding Framerate/Lag Issues


7 September 2005
I recently found out about this on the PESFan site - thanks guys. :)

Just spreading the word here.

You can contact Konami at the link below and fill in a form giving as much information as possible about any problems you are experiencing to help Konami work on the patch.

Although the form specifically asks for feedback about online play, I contacted Konami on the 'phone number given and the person I spoke to said that they are also interested in information about offline play problems as well.

So feel free to give information about both online AND offline problems in your post.

The guy said that they are looking to address both online and offline problems with the patch.

Apologies if you already know about this.


p.s. Don't forget to include details of which system you have, i.e. PS3, XBox, PC, PS2 etc.
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Just sent one for good measure, stating that as it stands I see that they have shipped a broken product to the public. If the issues are not resolved they should expect a lot of returned games.

I am mainly bothered by the online lag, I don't play much offline.
Heres my email, trying to be demanding yet soft, was gonna swear but ill leave that to someone else lol


i just wanted to give my response to the latest issues with PES 2008 on the ps3.

First off with the positives, very good gameplay, staying true to the pure football feel of the genre, and also great looking visuals (player faces and models are outstanding).

However the frame rate issues of playing the game offline are appauling and a disgrace to the name of WE/PES series.

Essentially what you have sold is an incomplete game, released by a lazy development team, who have recently not given any regard for all the fans and from what i feel is they just dont care.......

I have been a die hard fan of football since i was young, and this game has been part of my life also, fulfilling my enthusiasm for football. With every release of a new version i am keen to spend my hard earned money to buy it, with a certain loyalty to Konami and the WE/PES team.

However this current release has left me cheated and above all let down.

Slowdowns in most stadiums, game crashing when selecting kits and terrible slowdowns in replays are not on.

For example, playing in the Bernabeu on Wide camera angle causes so much slowdown, its unplayable, the skipping of the pictures disturbs the flow of the game and you overall performance in a match.

Imagine you buying a new car from a show, only to realise you have no wheels to drive it out of the show room. That is how millions of ps3 users feel, who have not been informed of the problem in advance, have probably returned the game for a refund, thus you losing money :(

All i can ask, as a simple yet loyal customer, is to fix this solution as quickly as possible. Not within the next two months,or whatever, but VERY quickly, for the sake of the future of PES............. please

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Sent them a messege too. I normally would hold my tongue, but I feel too strongly cause I love the series too much to see it go down the pan. I have forgiven the superficial things that Pro Evo has lacked in the past, but this year the game is broken. See below for the message I sent them:

"On a positive note I would like to commend Konami for its superb gameplay in Pro Evolution Soccer 2008. However I would also like to say how disgusted I am with the overall product, due to the fact that - in my opinion, the game has been pushed out the door in an unfinished state. I am a huge fan of the series and have bought the game ever year since its ISS days. I have purchased the PS3 version, have installed to the hardrive and am using a Samsung 32" HDTV LCD with HDMI.

Issues I have with the game:

1. Framerate on replays, set pieces, and cutscenes is ridiculous. This game has not been optimised and tested to a competent degree for release. There is vertical tearing (V-sync issues) and slowdown when the screen gets busy. If I use anything other than the Long camera - the games framerate suffers. This is not good enough.
2. Edit mode is poor and lacks the scope of previous PS2 iteration.
3. Online play suffers from lag which destroys the enjoyment and competitive nature of the game.
4. Again, we have only two English league licences. Spend some money, this game must have made plenty for Konami!
5. Some of the music in the game is laughably bad....maybe its my taste... but others think its third rate.

There are other smaller issues, and I feel angry having spent money on a PS3, and was looking forward to playing a great next gen Pro Evo. I feel disapointed in KCET and would like to know if the parent company is supporting the Pro Evo team with staff, resources and time to do this franchise justice?
Will a patch be issued and what is the timeframe?
Konami's game has a lot of loyal fans, and the overall mood at the moment from the community is that of discontent with this years offering. Please listen to your fans.

Guys just checked my emails, and got this email from Konami server:

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its recipients. This is a permanent error.

Sent the message again but got same thing back. Are Konami having issues, perhaps a flood of angry emails!
They answer me today, Tuesday October 30th:

Dear customer,

Thank you very much for contacting the Konami customer support team.

You reported us an error which is known to our development team. The team is trying to resolve this problem as soon as possible.

Sorry for the inconvenience this issue might have caused.

Your Konami Support Team

Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH
Berner Str. 103-105
60437 Frankfurt am Main

Local Court of Frankfurt am Main: HRB Nr. 24990 Managing Director: Kunio Neo, Kazumi Kitaue
Same automated message here people:

Dear customer,

Thank you very much for contacting the Konami customer support team.

You reported us an error which is known to our development team. The team is
trying to resolve this problem as soon as possible.

Sorry for the inconvenience this issue might have caused.

Your Konami Support Team

Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH
Berner Str. 103-105
60437 Frankfurt am Main

Local Court of Frankfurt am Main: HRB Nr. 24990
Managing Director: Kunio Neo, Kazumi Kitaue
I might try:

"Dear Konami,
What should I have for lunch tomorrow?"

Who can guess what response i'll get.......... You reported us an error which is known...............
More concerningly here is the response i got to the following:

My email:

Over the years PES has always been my most played game. Last year i played the
> 360 version and played around 1500 matches online. This year i have bought the
> PS3 version.
> Online play is completely hopeless. I rarely play anything other than online
> matches so this is a very big issue for me. There is extreme lag in every
> match i have played so far and i do not experience any lag in any other game i
> play online either on PS3 or 360. A patch to fix this must be released
> immediately or this could seriously damage the PES brand. For the first time
> ever i am seriously considering returning this game to the store i bought it
> from. It quite frankly is not fit for purpose as it currently stands.
> Please confirm when a patch is likely to be forthcoming. If it is a matter of
> a week or so i can just about put up with that (although this clearly should
> have been caught in beta testing) but if it is longer than that then i am
> sorry but that is not acceptable and i will have no option but to seek a
> refund.

The reply:

Dear customer,

Thank you very much for contacting the Konami customer support team.

You reported us an error which is unknown so far. We will forward your report to the development team.

Sorry for the inconvenience this issue might have caused.

Your Konami Support Team

So according to Konami the fact that there are problems with lag online were until my email "unknown" - Give me strength!
from me:

"Please, Konami staff... I have the PS3 version.
I know you're trying to fix the online issues, but please don't forget about the offline issues as well!!! The game is unplayable on SD TVs, and playing on certain stadia is atrocious (Luz, Bernabéu, etc)..

The replays are also awful.

This game should play as smoothly as the 360 version."
This reply has to be the best that I got.

This is my email:
I have read somewhere that you will be releasing an update for it because of the slow down issue but I wanted to ask if one very little thing could be included in that update.

Me and 3 of my friends have played these series for about 10 years now and we have always played it in the same way. We setup a World Cup or a Champions League Group stage using Konami Cup, then we team up 2 vs 2 and pick a team. But here is the catch, when either one of us has a game the other guys would join in and play as the computer team to try and eliminate the other human team. But for some reason now in PES2008 you have disabled that option in the Player setup screen. I can understand why you would like to do that in Master League for example or any of the other standard tournaments because it could be a way for cheating so to speak. But surely it wouldn't hurt to allow this to happened in a User setup Konami Cup would it ?

Hopefully you can help us out here we were devastated when we found this out last night playing the highly anticipated version.

This was their reply:
Dear customer,

Thank you very much for contacting the Konami customer support team.

We're sorry, but in PES 2008 online mode 2vs2 is not available. It is possible to play in 2 players against the computer though.

Kind regards,
Your Konami Support Team

Did you see me use the word online there ?
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