Can you play online (add guest user)?



The game seems fairly decent from the few games I've played of the demo, but I'm only going to buy it if you can play co-op online with a guest user.

To clarify, two people with two controllers from the same console playing others online - for some reason PES 2013 did away with this feature (Konami logic).

Can anyone who has the game do a check for me please? Thanks :)
You cannot create 4 person rooms in lobbies, it's a joke. PES10-12 had this option and they inexplicably took it away last year.

That was my favourite mode, so much more organic with an actual thinking being making runs and finding space, so rewarding when you pull off a nice move too.
It is there...but it says when you select it, you can only play people doing the same.

Which means it will be difficult to get a game.

It's something they need to fix.

It was great, playing with a friend on PES6, against some turkey online.
You could add a guest user in ranking matches on PES13 and I think it's possible on PES14 as well, yet to try it, online is a mess.
You could?! :SHOCK:

I must have completely missed that option then... I thought ranked were solely 1v1 and they removed the 4 player lobbies...

Good to know it's possible to add a guest in 2014, but I'm going to wait for the November patch I think before buying, unless I see it on offer for £25-30...
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