Bigfoot body found in US


Golden Boot Winner
6 February 2006
Newcastle United
TWO hunters claim to have found the body of a dead BIGFOOT.

The legendary hairy creature – about 2m tall, with human like teeth – was said to have been found in the US two weeks ago and is being preserved in a freezer.

Matthew Whitton and Rick Dyer, who run Bigfoot expeditions, claim they made the astonishing discovery in the woods of north Georgia, in the southeast of the US.

The pair and "the real Bigfoot Hunter" Tom Biscardi, who has endorsed the find, plan to front a press conference in California, presenting DNA and photographic "proof."

Mr Whitton, a Georgia police officer, and Mr Dyer, a former prison officer, have posted photos of the ape like beast on their searchingforbigfoot website.

They say it is a "part human and part ape" male and weighs over 230kg with reddish hair and blackish-grey eyes.

Its feet are flat and 41cm long with five toes.

The hands also have five fingers and and the teeth are more "human-like than ape like".

And they are adamant the find is not a hoax.

"We trekked for a day a half ... what kind of lunatic would be out here in a monkey suit? I saw the thing, I touched it," said Mr Biscardi, who has been searching for Bigfoots since 1971.

The hunters say several Bigfoots were spotted walking around close to where they found the body but refuse to reveal the location in a bid "to protect the creatures".

But now the group are hatching plans for a secret expedition to capture a LIVE Bigfoot.

Looks to be a hoax so far. They were scheduled to have a press conference yesterday and supply "evidence" about the authenticity of their find. None surfaced though.

I think it is safe to say that it's not looking good for this one. As with most of these types of alleged finds.
I read on AOL that this has been confirmed as a 100% hoax.

The links not there anymore so i cant copy/paste but there ya go
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