Be a Pro mode: Borderline unplayable.


League 1
13 October 2006
I didnt think it would be possible but Konami have actually managed to make Be a Pro mode even worse than it was first time around.

I started at West Ham on pro difficulty and I understand that it's meant to start off hard and your team wont be the best but this is a joke. The AI of my team mates is nothing short of disgraceful. I have never in all my 32 years played a football game where your team mates actively try to AVOID the ball. They just refuse to go near it or even run away from it to allow the computer controlled team to get it! They refuse to put a foot in and constantly allow the other team to stroll through the midfield or down the wing to get a cross in. They'll walk along beside them, oh yeah, no chance of an actual tackle going in though.

Then there are the endless periods of play where the comp just zips the ball around between it's players while your team mates look on in awe. I once had to watch that happen for almost an entire half! Who was I up against? Barcelona? Real Madrid? Nope, it was Hull. Those pioneers of total football. How on earth am I meant to get involved in this game?

There are also the times when players walk the ball off the pitch for no apparent reason and your team mates insane obsession with passing the ball backwards to try to create a triangle of passes. There's the passes that are hit without any power at all which allows the comp to easily intercept and of course the bordering on comical sluggish way your own player reacts to any button presses you try. Or it would be comical if I hadn't shelled out £40 for this tripe.

Again, I know it's meant to start off hard but this is nothing more than a frustrating, soul destroying grind of a mode. There's nothing there that makes me want to persevere through it to try to get better. Why should I when the AI is this broken?

Konami have conned us all again. They've taken £40 of my hard earned for a bunch of meaningless cosmetic changes. They have fixed NOTHING in this game. In fact, they've made it worse. No one can tell me they played this game, this mode especially and thought: "Yep, that's excellent work team! Well done!"

I thought EA were the rip off merchants but they could learn a thing or two from Konami. They should be ashamed of themselves.

FIFA is garbage but Pro Evo is a shadow of it's former glory.

It's a sad day when I'm thinking of giving up entirely on console footy games. They can get American Football, Baseball and Ice Hockey down to a T but no one seems to be able to convert the beautiful game into something playable on a console.

I've got to say this is nearly spot on - I am playing with Sampdoria, they are times when we have decent build up play leading to good chances and some goals (of which I have scored a couple) but for the most part your team doesnt get the ball and I have had games where my CB's went even further scoring own goals instead of clearing the ball.

I am thinking about changing up the tactics of most of the teams and then starting over, hoping this helps, if not I'll just play NBA 2k10 and hope the framerate doesnt kill me.
I must be blind.
Granted FIFA10 is better than PES2010.
So that is cleared.
I'm playing BAL for a week now and i really like it. My player plays with Catania (notexactly world beaters) andmy team is playing very good, patient buid-up football.
My Australian OMF has scored 5 goals after 20 matches in his first season (i must say 14 games, because it took him 6 game to play witht the first team).
His team mate Tedesco is the second best assister in the league and my team hasn't scored a single own goal. I play on professional....XBOX 360 version.
It's much better than last year's although maybe a litle bit easier, but i don't care at all...

PS: i also have NBA2K10 and i think it's the best sports game i've ever played...i don't have any gripes with the frame rate...i really must be blind.
Well, I think pj_puttz has a point, playing against a dutch team (don´t remember the name) 0-0 all the game, 89 mins. CPU CF enters the area with my team defender near him (near, not pushing or trying to take the ball, only near) and another one inside the area moved "away"...yes away like if someone called him from the corner kick flag..and goal.. I lost 1-0 thanks to a defender who avoided his defending duties....only god knows why...or seabass.
Maybe in japanese football they have a code of honor, something like "you shall not defend a player that has another defender near him"
i was going to respond to this last night but couldn't be bothered.

I have been playing the incarnation of BAL since WE2007cc and have enjoyed them all. My favourite was PES2009 on PS2. One difference i noticed i played Fantatistia mode on WE2007CC and you could train in between games on that but not other versions!

I have learned over the years this mode requires a certain patience when playing. You player you create has the mobility of the QE2 when first starting off and will be brushed off the ball easily. Angle shots are way off because of your low Shot Accuracy so be near the 6yd box.

Sometims the secret is not to always call for the ball, but be close and avaliable for the pass if that makes sense.:COOL:

If you keep asking for it more than likely they will try a stupid 50 yd pass which will never happen or just knock it back the way as you'll be running around like a headless chicken getting frustrated at not getting the pass.

You will notice the better quality of team you join and teammates you have the less likely you'll need to call for it but run into space as they'll just play it .

In previous versions i went from NAC Breda to PSG to Valencia to Real Madrid and the difference is great which you would expect.

Keep at it an i hope this helps ;)
I understand what you're saying about team mates almost moving away from the ball, this is an issue... but it's not a huge issue.

This mode does require patience, I agree with Urban. The teams do pass the ball about a lot better this year, so when the other team have the ball it can be hard to win it back. But again patience is needed.

I play AMF for Juventus now aged 19. When we don't have the ball I will either pressure the back 4 if they have it, or as soon as it's into the midfield I will just walk back ready to counter if my team win the ball back. If they don't win it then I continue to walk back until I'm near the play again... then I go for the ball myself.

Overall I enjoy playing BAL and would say it's improved since last year. I actually started out at West Ham too, played CMF for them but went into the AMf role most games to link up with Carlton Cole. I had a successful season with them before moving to Juve.
I totally get the patience thing and I also get that you shouldn't call for the ball all the time. I know how to play as part of the team and not try to do everything straight away as a cheeky 17 year old but come on folks!

I cannot believe you cant see the absolutely terrible AI of your team mates on BAL. Maybe I have a faulty copy of the game? Or maybe you're either not as observant or just a hell of a lot more forgiving than I am. This mode is broken. It's a controller smashing grind of a mode which admittedly does get better after a while.......but only a little.

My point is that at the start, when you have the turning circle of the QE2 as mentioned before, there is very little there to make you want to stick with it and progress. It's a GRIND. If West Ham had a player who had the touch, skill and shooting ability of my 17 year old he wouldn't be starting in place of Carlton Cole. He'd be taken outside and shot. Hardly realistic is it?

I know it cant be too easy at first but Konami have the balance terribly wrong here. That aside, the pathetic AI of your team mates is a gamebreaker for me and I know it's only ever going to get marginally better as I progress. It will always be fundamentally broken.

The refusal of your players to tackle and the way they actively avoid the ball is unforgivable and totally unrealistic. It breaks the spell and as such causes the game to become just a series of button presses in the right order, not a simulation. Surely that is the ultimate sin of any game?
I'm currently playing BAL on Top Player as a RWF and have to agree the AI does seem a little clueless at times, but overall it's all about just waiting for the ball, playing a short game and looking for that killer pass or cut in for the shot (in my position). Some games I've had very little of the ball but my defensive covering has been good and my position play nearly always earns me a B rating.

I think a lot of the reason why they pass the ball around the back and hardly every go forward is that the mentality of the team is always stuck on blue or green. It's never set with an attacking frame of mind (orange or red), so it's no wonder the strikers don't seem to go forward as much and why attacks always break down due to little support play. This is the only mode I've seen it in though as I've played a lot of exhibition/ML/league matches and the CPU opposition have always been very active in the midfield and up top. It would be great if you could tinker with the tactics of the team to match your style of play.
I'm wondering about the agility stat. It seems odd that you can't increase it. It's even odder that the DMF I created had a rating of 90 for agility after the scout match and that I've never managed to get my CF with an agility rating over 79. Is there anything I should be doing to increase this during the scout match?

I also think they should have either given each stat it's own category in the focus points screen or matched them up differently. It's bad enough that my CF always starts with a DEF rating of 45, but because he is so weak I have to pour points into the balance category to increase strength and up goes the DEF rating. Konami really needs to rethink how they set up this mode because the concept is really good but the execution is just way off.
I'm wondering about the agility stat. It seems odd that you can't increase it. It's even odder that the DMF I created had a rating of 90 for agility after the scout match and that I've never managed to get my CF with an agility rating over 79. Is there anything I should be doing to increase this during the scout match?

I also think they should have either given each stat it's own category in the focus points screen or matched them up differently. It's bad enough that my CF always starts with a DEF rating of 45, but because he is so weak I have to pour points into the balance category to increase strength and up goes the DEF rating. Konami really needs to rethink how they set up this mode because the concept is really good but the execution is just way off.

On the PES2009 PS2 version of BAL you were given 20 pionts to distribute over any area of stats you wanted to improve after your scout match.

Also pending on the position you chose to play in, if you wanted to play up front in the PES2009 PS3 version i think if you chose SS over ST your stats over all were spread better around.
Into my 2nd season and it seems night and day so far - really strange, the team is the same but this season I guess they want to play - I am off to a good start 3 goals 1 assist and the team is playing much better and we are in the top 5.

It seems the AI isnt truly broken - I just think Konami has the game set this way 1st season harder than the following seasons, that is how it seemed in the past playing ML (at least to me)

@ pm2 - the setup should be like NBA2k10 - you choose your style of player and then go from there.

@ Gerd - if you play NBA 2k10 my player mode and dont have framerate issues you are the luckiest person on earth - there is a patch coming and I cant wait because as you said it truly is a great game - what all sports games should strive to emulate.
I haven't played much "my player mode" in NBA 2K10, not more than 10 minutes overall and yes i noticed the framerate issues...
Hi, I used my brothers account "ofory" the above post about players moving away from the ball.
I know it´s not a big issue, for some of you, I like to share my latest experience... 0-0 Ado den Hag (my team) vs PSV (CPU), 85 min.. the PSV CF takes the ball in midfield, exactly in the midfield it was a 2 player vs 1 attacker. both of my deffensive players in front of the penalty area, outside, waiting...the attacker chooses one of them for the 1 vs 1 play before facing the goalkeeper. Any 5 year old boy, woman, dog, old lady, E.T. being the defender would face the attacker, well not in the Ado den Hag universe of PES2010, the defender was (again) called by someone but this time seems the D.T. called him.
He just started going down, leaving the attacker alllll the way alone to score, wich he did, wich lead to 0-1, wich lead to a defeat.
Next time something like that happens, I will save the replay for everyone to see.
Maybe it´s the way Konami is saying "leave that team" go to a better one, well I DON´T LIKE THE WAY THEY ARE SAYING IT.
I´m not a Ado Den Haag fan, I´m an Arsenal fan, but I would love to lead a small team like that to a Champions League championship, like I did leading it to win the Dutch Cup. But with the help from my "Teamvision friends"...I´m beggining to lose faith in this game, please fix this KONAMI, i beg, by the way I´m from Argentina.
Excuse the lenght and mistakes, a hug to you all :)
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