Attention ronaldo whores/exploiters


5 March 2006
Your mindless throughball/speedwhore football party is now officially over. 2014 has only shown how much of an abomination 2013 was. 2013 was never "football". It was "exploit-ball".

Your new home is FIFA. I don't expect to see your kind again.

Adios :lol:
Your mindless throughball/speedwhore football party is now officially over. 2014 has only shown how much of an abomination 2013 was. 2013 was never "football". It was "exploit-ball".

Your new home is FIFA. I don't expect to see your kind again.

Adios :lol:

Online ranked will always be shit :)

Never hold your breath.
I would wait final game to say something so definitive
Online has always beenvery different from offline gameplay.
There is always a bit of lag that makes defenders less responsive,giving adavantage to fast players
Offline PES 2013 was very mich football. PES is usually football offline.

Online vs mates is football on top player AI

The reason why it hasn't been football is the 'Regular' AI difficulty online. Hence why all the cheap tactics work. I expect the same this year unless it's changed to top player online.
The throughball/high line exploit was there online in 2013, but dribbling was actually ok compared to 2012 because of the improved momentum/inertia model. You couldn't dribble that easily, it was the defensive line and easy throughball that were the main issues, along with the usual lag.
Offline PES 2013 was very mich football. PES is usually football offline.

Online vs mates is football on top player AI

The reason why it hasn't been football is the 'Regular' AI difficulty online. Hence why all the cheap tactics work. I expect the same this year unless it's changed to top player online.

PES offline with mates v A.I was junk. The marking is atrocious. In 2 VS A.I the game is easily torn apart. I go online to see out 2v2 as this is where the game wakes up (albeit it's still far too arcadey).

But I disagree, it's just Konami's way of balancing the game for the masses. A desperate attempt to keep the casual people happy. Basically defense line does not work like IRL Football.

Lets say you're a CB marking Ronaldo. If you knew you had pace issues there is no way in hell you would push your defense line right up to meet him and stand practically side by side with him, inviting him to race. You'd drop off.

But in PES setting defensive line to 0 should actually mean the cb's never push up. They hold a deep line. This doesn't happen. In PES Def line actually dictates how quick they drop back into position which is...wrong which means the more possession you have the higher your line is because the rest of the opposition team is in fact dropping off...thus creating what I like to call "exploitball" space...lmao.

You can see this when a CF is placed outside the box...the def line will move up to meet him....retarded. I want to mark the space Conami, not the man, which is why I didn't select man marking /facepalm.

Anyway I have'nt been able to test the new online mechanics because PS3 online is bust. But I understand that cheats still prosper and therefore , enough is enough. The new pes is superior to fifa ON the pitch but if I can still lose when 5-0 up then...sorry...that's enough. See you on FIFA next-gen.
Online will always be shit period - people will always find, and use, some exploit or other.

Online CAN be good if gameplay balanced at least.
Haven't had problems with any abusers online at pes 6 (playing only with people from same country) and fifa 13.
PES offline with mates v A.I was junk. The marking is atrocious. In 2 VS A.I the game is easily torn apart. I go online to see out 2v2 as this is where the game wakes up (albeit it's still far too arcadey).

But I disagree, it's just Konami's way of balancing the game for the masses. A desperate attempt to keep the casual people happy. Basically defense line does not work like IRL Football.

Lets say you're a CB marking Ronaldo. If you knew you had pace issues there is no way in hell you would push your defense line right up to meet him and stand practically side by side with him, inviting him to race. You'd drop off.

But in PES setting defensive line to 0 should actually mean the cb's never push up. They hold a deep line. This doesn't happen. In PES Def line actually dictates how quick they drop back into position which is...wrong which means the more possession you have the higher your line is because the rest of the opposition team is in fact dropping off...thus creating what I like to call "exploitball" space...lmao.

You can see this when a CF is placed outside the box...the def line will move up to meet him....retarded. I want to mark the space Conami, not the man, which is why I didn't select man marking /facepalm.

Anyway I have'nt been able to test the new online mechanics because PS3 online is bust. But I understand that cheats still prosper and therefore , enough is enough. The new pes is superior to fifa ON the pitch but if I can still lose when 5-0 up then...sorry...that's enough. See you on FIFA next-gen.

Just a footballing aside on this. You would not always drop off of a fast attacker. A perfect valid tactic with a fast, but weaker player is to sit tight on them, so they have to get 'round' you in order to make a run. Sometimes sitting off them is a death sentence as they can then get a run at you and don't need to even go near you.

The problem in the game isn't that they are pushing up to high (as the lower defensive line rating limits WHEN they will come to meet the attacking line). The problem is that people concentrate too much on the ball carrier and not enough on where they might put the ball. If you see a winger go for a run, you need to time your run 'in-case' you need to track him. You defensive line should then be the right depth so that you can catch him.

Too deep could be bad if he has greater acceleration as he'll beat you on the first few yards and shoot before you have a chance to catch him.
Too high up and a long pass would mean he has a chance to pull far away from you before he even receives the ball (especially a ball with backspin). You should always be looking for a happy medium based on your defenders capabilities and the attackers you are up against.
They still exist. My remedy is foul them hard so that they are unable to continue, was playing online and went from 2-0 to 2-4 with Ronaldo running straight through. After the fourth I concentrated on taking him out, once I did (83rd minute) we returned to playing football I scored my third but it was too late. Motherfucker. :LOL:
They still exist. My remedy is foul them hard so that they are unable to continue, was playing online and went from 2-0 to 2-4 with Ronaldo running straight through. After the fourth I concentrated on taking him out, once I did (83rd minute) we returned to playing football I scored my third but it was too late. Motherfucker. :LOL:
I can just imagine 3 defenders all trying to break his legs. Need a custom tactic for that where defenders get really agro. Push up on d-pad to use Ronaldo ground and pound tactic.
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