Attack / defence levels ps3


League 2
18 June 2002
Bolton Wanderers
How do you change the attack / defence levels?

I have tried what it says in the manual (L2 and d pad up and down) but I can't change it please can somebody help, thanks
For that, you gotta configure your directional control to left stick only.

If not, you can change it by Select + R2 or Select + R1
I never really understood why they changed the button configuration in the first place. Holding Select in the middle of a match to change levels feels uncomfortable.

It was perfect when it was assigned to L2, as you could control movement and change levels simultaneously without having to take your thumb off the D-pad/analogue stick.
For that, you gotta configure your directional control to left stick only.

If not, you can change it by Select + R2 or Select + R1

Tried changing it to just left stick only and I still can't change it!

Tried it set to left stick or d -pad as well still no joy!

Getting on my nerves now!!!
Right sussed it at last! In the tactical assistance I changed the attack/defence levels to "OFF", now I can change at when ever I want
Ahh ok. I had been trying it in game and assumed I couldn't because I chose simple settings and allowed the coach to make subsitutions and formation changes for me. I had made the attack level Offensive but didn't realise it was preventing me from overriding it manually. cheers ;)
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