Assassin's Creed 4

I like this series, but I can't keep up with the pace, I usually do lots of things playing trough and don't rush the story too much.
Probably gonna play this in 2016.
Were in March and there are trailers on TV for a game that's out in November, what's going off there?
AC4 Black Flag - Milk it, baby!

AC is Ubisoft's cash cow, so they release it every year. Obviously, the quality suffers.

That Beta version they released upon us last October just about did it for me. I'll be keeping my distance from this from now on.
Having played all the 5 PS3 instalments, I was very disappointed with the bug fest that was AC3 and the deteriorating and absurd storyline outside the Animus.

Back in 2007 we started playing a game with the appeal of covert kills and rooftop chases. Now we're getting a game about Pirates? WTF?

Count me out!
I'm still playing Assassin's Creed Revelations and they now announce a new one? Well, looks like i have to play 24/7 to keep up with Ubisoft.
At least this new one looks appellative, i don't think there are many good pirates based games.
This is my favourite series of games, however I have to say, I don't want to see too many more games come out, doesn't sound that this will be the last in the series, so I'll say another one and that's that.

Can't beat some Pirates and Assassins Combination.

Looking forward to playing this.

Hope the story is getting near to the end though.

Good graphics, boring and pointless game. Even the combat has become easier and I thought that was impossible. They've even managed to add a few hilarious bugs to the combat system that never was there before. The idea (Pirate game) intrigued me though, so I bought it even though I suspected it was poorly done and gimmicky and I suspected right. The waters are too full of ships, floating cargo and wreck survivors and the naval fights are short and not very exciting. There is loot virtually EVERYWHERE on islands, coves, sunken wrecks, in the middle of towns and cities... everywhere. It shouldn't be referred to as "Treasure" when it's the far most common thing in the game world.

You can basically sail 300 meters outside the harbor and boards ships there until you got few crew members and sail back in. Nobody gives a flying fuck that you've just wreaked havoc just outside town. There's also an abundance of pointless gimmicky stuff to do. The crafting system is pointless, because it's pointless. It would be much more logical to just buy the damn armor pieces and ammo pouches since there are shops around.

Your armor doesn't change visually as you upgrade it, it's already visible before you actually get it. The different outfits aren't really that much different except for some those implemented from previous games.

I could go on forever... The game is probably fun if you enjoy pointless achievements and massive & repetitive time sinks. I can't really comment the main story because I found it so scripted and railroaded that I stopped playing soon after getting the base. It's like most of the other iterations except for the original, it's not really bad but it's far from good and once you're finished you wonder why you had to do over 80% of the stuff the game made you do.

From the beginning of the game I picked up all treasure I could find and by the time I had a ship and were allowed to upgrade I upgraded gun damage and have blown everything to smithereens ever since. So if you're going to play the game and have any resemblance of difficulty in it, don't upgrade weapon, handgun or armor and upgrade your ship evenly, a point here and a point there as you progress.
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Good graphics, boring and pointless game. Even the combat has become easier and I thought that was impossible. They've even managed to add a few hilarious bugs to the combat system that never was there before. The idea (Pirate game) intrigued me though, so I bought it even though I suspected it was poorly done and gimmicky and I suspected right. The waters are too full of ships, floating cargo and wreck survivors and the naval fights are short and not very exciting. There is loot virtually EVERYWHERE on islands, coves, sunken wrecks, in the middle of towns and cities... everywhere. It shouldn't be referred to as "Treasure" when it's the far most common thing in the game world.

You can basically sail 300 meters outside the harbor and boards ships there until you got few crew members and sail back in. Nobody gives a flying fuck that you've just wreaked havoc just outside town. There's also an abundance of pointless gimmicky stuff to do. The crafting system is pointless, because it's pointless. It would be much more logical to just buy the damn armor pieces and ammo pouches since there are shops around.

Your armor doesn't change visually as you upgrade it, it's already visible before you actually get it. The different outfits aren't really that much different except for some those implemented from previous games.

I could go on forever... The game is probably fun if you enjoy pointless achievements and massive & repetitive time sinks. I can't really comment the main story because I found it so scripted and railroaded that I stopped playing soon after getting the base. It's like most of the other iterations except for the original, it's not really bad but it's far from good and once you're finished you wonder why you had to do over 80% of the stuff the game made you do.

From the beginning of the game I picked up all treasure I could find and by the time I had a ship and were allowed to upgrade I upgraded gun damage and have blown everything to smithereens ever since. So if you're going to play the game and have any resemblance of difficulty in it, don't upgrade weapon, handgun or armor and upgrade your ship evenly, a point here and a point there as you progress.

I'm midway through the main story with an almost fully upgraded ship, and yep, that's pretty much exactly how I feel. I've haven't played it in days and haven't felt bothered to pick it up again.

It's a pretty game world but rather dull, repetitive, and shallow. After playing the most recent Batman game, combat in AC is poor. And though I like the idea of a pirate game, the pirate theme and the assassins storyline don't work well together for me.

Ironically this franchise is kinda parallel to the Pirates of the Caribbean series: so much potential sacrificed for the sake of making a flashy, and ultimately shallow, blockbuster.
I actually ended up finishing it recently... I can't even remember the story and the end. Forgotten in two days... that says it all. By "finishing" I mean completing the storyline and most side quests and DLC. I did NOT feel bothered to run around the world looking for those pathetic collectibles.
Posted this on the PS4 thread:

Don't know if this works or not but apparantly you can log in using your psn on the sonystore website and buy the PS3 AC4 Black Flag for £17.99.

You can then upgrade this for £9.99 on the website for the PS4 version.

Not sure if this is legit or not, but I assume if you can upgrade digital downloads it's all good.
Posted this on the PS4 thread:

Don't know if this works or not but apparantly you can log in using your psn on the sonystore website and buy the PS3 AC4 Black Flag for £17.99.

You can then upgrade this for £9.99 on the website for the PS4 version.

Not sure if this is legit or not, but I assume if you can upgrade digital downloads it's all good.

yes you can do this, for playstation plus members there is another couple of £'s off too, i did it last night, quite fun so far.
Assassins is my favourite series of games, and I love Pirates.

I enjoyed the game, but the story is starting to wear thin now, the whole Assassins v Templar thing.

And the way the out of animus storyline went, I certainly didn't like that. You don't even know who you are in the game, and you were just really like a puppet. So effectively Ubisoft could just do this every time and not have a specific character like Desmond.

And I have a feeling there is a lot of possible times throughout history they could jump on to use and egg it out even more.

I think whilst I've enjoyed it, I've probably got about another couple of plays in me for the AC series and then I'd have to seriously think about cutting it short.

I got this free with my GTX 780 and kind of wish I hadn't even been given it, shite game. Played it for half an hour and the repetitive predictable gameplay, boring combat and shoddy build quality are immediately apparent... But hey, what can you expect when Ubisoft have turned this into a yearly release?

I played all the way through AC2 and enjoyed it, it had a decent story, but they're really scraping the barrel now to milk their cash cow.
Agreed, loved AC2 and was happy enough finishing Brotherhood, but I've quit a quarter of the way through both Revelations and AC3, haven't tried 4, but I expected it to be more of the same anyway.
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