Are you happy with football gaming this year?

WishMaster 23

6 August 2003
I've been a follower of PES for some years, I'm still from the time PLF made the stats and all of us wanted his advice. Great guy...
My point of coming here is basically because i'm totally insatisfied with every review I see from every player of PES / FIFA.
I have PES 2008, FIFA 2009 and PES2009, and to be honest and can't even say what's the one that satisfies me the most. Every one has flaws and every one has great things.
Let's start by the begginning and I just want to say that this is on PS3 and that this is MY OWN OPINION:

- PES 2008
i think it's underestimated, the graphics are not perfect but acceptable, but in terms of gameplay the essence is there. it's too fast i recognize it, the players seem to be on steroids but the fluidity of action is top notch. A player can receive, pass or shoot with great animation. I think that online sucks, and it has some other major problems but like I said the essence is there.
- FIFA 2009
Great game, big licenses, great passing game, the flow of the game is very real, it has great movements by the AI but it has a problem that for me it's MAJOR, the players seem "light", there's no weight, there's no difference amongst them, it's strange. It's a game that it's evolving fast, but there's something lacking, it's never so rewarding like PES when you score or make a beautiful move.
- PES 2009
i really don't know, it's strange but the game seems stiff, seems that the players don't react like they should. graphically it's an evolution, but it's not completely without flaws.
The fluidity of the game it's somewhat strange, and I just had this feeling when i switched from PES2009 to PES2008 to try the same game in the two versions. in 2009 the way the game feel is that all of the animations are not connected, the player has difficulties turning and it doesn't feel like it should. I'm giving more time playing because i'm trying to understand all of you who say that the rythm is perfect. I think that PES 5 or PES6 had the perfect rythm, not this one. The players continue to run in a robotic way but not crazy fast like in PES 2008. the crosses and corners are very different and in my opinnion aren't better. i just don't know...the essence it's still there once again but it's starting to get on my nerve.

I would like to ear your opinions on this.
Everyone should respect other peoples choices and not create any bad mood about simple GAMES that exist to amuse us.
I think this is a good, balanced and honest post...
There are some points i agree with and others i don't.
Before i continue i think i should say what kind of a gamer i am...i am a casual gamer who plays football games fairly regularly, but i haven't got the time to play much...i play something like two or three matches a day...always in the fact my kids start playing football games and they have playedmore PES2009 and FIFA09 than i did...

I never really liked PES2008, in the beginning (and this is a big confession) i said i liked it because i was pissed off with all the exagerated criticism. I shouldn't have done that.

I bought FIFA08 and this became my next-gen football game...but to be honest, i played PES2008 for PSP most of all, because i liked that (although IMO it was too difficult...).

I was fairly impressed with the demo of FIFA09 and i bought the game: i think the gampeplay is fantastic...i play i quite regularly and i like i decided not to buy PES2009 since i haven't got much time...

But then i read that certain people who have the same attitude towards gaming, reallu liked it and i bought it...and i like it reasonably well, but there is something wrong with the animations, yes the players feel a litle bit "stiff", but i always had that with new PES games even with PES4 and 5 which for me were the best maybe after having played it more i will change my opinion.

Now i will say something controversial...i find PES2009 more difficult than FIFA09...although i'm playing both on the same difficulty level (not the highest). I remember my first FIFA09 match was WBA-Bolton and i beat Bolton with 6-0...
My first PES match was Standard-Zenith and i lost 2-0. Well maybe Zenith is too good for Standard and i played another match Wigan-Portsmouth: i lost again...of course since then i've won matches and i've lost matches in FIFA too (i'm on the second highest difficulty level), but i still think PES is more difficult.

Furthermore i have the same feeling as you when scoring a goal: the satisfaction is just bigger in PES2009 (not in PES2008, i never had that with that game). And of course i really love the BAL mode wich is really immersive.

So, yes i'm clearly satisfied...PES could have been better (the sound is awfull, but not as awfull as some claim it to be and there are other annoying things...Konami just don't listen to the customers which is infuriating) and i really enjoy FIFA09...

Just my two cents...
I'm very happy so far. I'll tell you why; FIFA 09 is the first football game I've played where I can get beat one game and then win the next, on the same difficulty. Even in PES I used to have the same result every game, apart from PES2008 on the PSP - which I liked, but even that went the same way once I'd learned the pattern of the CPU (and how to avoid the cheats as often as possible).

In my current manager mode game, I've been close to getting the sack at Christmas with Tranmere, only just staying out of the relegation zone. Then the transfer window opened and I bought two transfer-listed players, a left-back and a striker (Dele Adebola)... Since then I've won 4 out of 6 and now we're climbing towards the top half. The game amazes me (of course there will be a time where it doesn't, every game becomes obsolete when you learn all of the errors and glitches, but for the time-being I'm having a great time).

I'm also having a huge amount of fun with the Be A Pro mode (although the fact that it only lasts for four seasons puts me off getting into it too much, silly move by EA), and online leagues (where you can just play against decent people, not the laggers and the glitchers - and it's always more difficult and varied playing a human of course).

Football Manager 2009 also looks fantastic, from what a friend tells me (on PC and on the PSP), so I'm very happy.
Oh yes, i forgot that...Chris reminds me...I'm looking forward to Football Manager 2009 too. Although that i'm a litle bit afraid that the 3D match engine will take away a litle bit of the magic...but i hope not...

Football Manager is certainly the most immersive of all football games...i've been listening to thr FM Podcasts and this year's version has once again lots of nice additions...i'll be getting this for Christmas...
Each year in PES they seem to introduce new stuff, but they don't overhaul their stats, so some teams simply aren't life like.

When you play top teams, they should be difficult to beat and you shouldnt ever have a team penned into their half the entire game.

Its annoying, because if you fiddle about with teams stats, you can create excellent games, particularly on the PS3 as the game's running speed isnt effected by your pc, so you know the game will play at the same speed for everyone.

Have a look at my thread in this forum about slightly tweaking the stats of teams and try it with two teams and play a game between them and see the difference.
I only got F09 last week, but i have to say, i too am enjoying it. I was thinking the other day, whilst watching a real football game, that F09 plays like a game of footy that you see on the tv (when played in Tele or broadcast). It has that feel to it.
I'm still a bit of a noob at the game, so i play on Pro with a mixture of assisted and semi, but i'd like to get to manual at some point. My Xbox is also online, so it would nice to play some people (i only play with the smaller teams, ie up to 2.5 stars).

As for PES, i have decided against buying the next-gen version this year and will instead opt for the PS2 version again. I played the Xbox demo, but i can't really comment on the full game. I'm sure the PS2 version will be just about ok, but most likely won't be amazing. Those days seem to have gone. If i can get a fun ML or BAL going on, then it should do the trick.

To summarise, this year is looking better than last year.
Oh yes, i forgot that...Chris reminds me...I'm looking forward to Football Manager 2009 too. Although that i'm a litle bit afraid that the 3D match engine will take away a litle bit of the magic...but i hope not...

Football Manager is certainly the most immersive of all football games...i've been listening to thr FM Podcasts and this year's version has once again lots of nice additions...i'll be getting this for Christmas...

Football manager, had some nice hours/days with that game. Don't play it anymore it's way too addictive (not good for social life)
This is probably the fairest thread of the last 2 months!

I'm loving BAL mode, it's bringing back enjoyment that I had thought had long gone - but PES2009 is like going back in time. It's good, but it still has those little annoyances it had 3 years go.

FIFA has it's plus points and in playing the demo, I did doff my cap a few times at some of the gameplay, but it has just as many of those annoyances.

As I said a few weeks back, I think both games are just 'ok', so in a way I do feel a bit short changed. If it weren't for BAL mode I might be in a different mood (and have more sleep).
More opinions on PES2008 vs 2009...I would like to ear your thoughts on what is the most important thing in a football game: fun or real?

I think there's enough confusion on this. For me, since the beginning of PES series, it always was both, but since PES 2008 I must say fun it's true, but real not anymore... the strange thing is that I agree that the FIFA09 balanced passing and gameplay is more reality prone but I just can't feel the same ambition and accomplishment in the game that I have with PES2008 or 2009. Even with the graphical department being possible to improve, especially the frame rate, the modelling of the players with phisical characteristics that are different one from another makes PES a more enjoyable and accomplished football game. this is my opinion of course. FIFA 09 is very good in lots of aspects but I must say one thing, IT'S NOT FABULOUS AT NONE. For me the pleasure of building a play from defence to attack in PES and scoring a good goal is simply unbeatable.

Share your thoughts PLEASE.
More opinions on PES2008 vs 2009...I would like to ear your thoughts on what is the most important thing in a football game: fun or real?

I didn't buy PES2008, I went for FIFA so I can't comment on that. But as for your 2nd question, fun wins every time. Real football already exists, you just need to go outside or switch on your telly.

The BAL mode is fantastic fun (even it's flaws are enjoyable in a weird way) but there is something else I prefer about PES. It's always so half-assed (and this year it's blatantly not finished - hence this update) so you get to build many aspects of the game the way you want it.

You can make your own kits, teams or even players. You can change how the football is played with stat edits and you can change the sounds the crowds make. You effectively customise your very own football game and I love that.
You effectively customise your very own football game and I love that.

Hit the nail on the head there mate. As good as FIFA is this year, I think I'd only completely leave PES behind if EA introduced such a comprehensive edit mode too. Even then I'd be torn!
i think what the problem is, is that with so many platforms to cover (i.e. the next gen consoles, ps2 and psp) i think both EA and Konami have over stretched themselves trying to please everybody, also with the next-gen consoles, our expectations has been raised maybe a little too much. i predict that both pes 2009 and fifa 09 will be the last for the ps2 platform and that konami and EA will concentrate soley on the next gen consoles, thus giving us a game (from both camps) that will surely live up to expectations
Both games fail massively on the off field side of things once again though we have had the usual "it will be sorted for 2010" crap again... Damn 2010, we should all be living on the moon by now or flying to Mars, yet all we have are slightly updated footy titles and dodgy microwave ovens...
I so agree with your comments about PES 09. There is something wrong with the speed. OK, I have gotten used to the tempo in 08, but still there is something wrong in the 09 version. It seems like the players need to think before they do what I ask them to. It is more difficult to get the players to run fast. The players do not react to me pressing the pads. I really enjoy the PES series, but this version dissapoints me. Could it be that I do something wrong? Sorry to say it's not that fun anymore:THINK::THINK:
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