ANTI Cheaters website (NEW)


18 June 2005
Real Madrid
This is the link of a new website created to at least have a common place were to discuss how controling cheaters and maybe in the future stopping them completly from ruining the online experience of PES.

Anybody who has the game at heart and wants to give his opinion or have any idea on how cheating can be controlled is free to post here and anybody who can help foward this website link into PES fan communities please do so , Any persons who can help foward this to persons near Konami like Jon Murphy please do so too. This website should serve as a protest to show that real honest PES Gamers are not happy with the current situation and the more people who post in here the more strong our purpuse will be.

People can also post Names of other gamers whom they played against and didnt cheat them even if they could have done this to not lose their rankings/money etc. This often happens when you play with gamers in Division 1 and Division 2 (and sometimes Division 3 and even the lower divisions) of the Online Master league. This should help by giving these gamers their deserved status of honest gamers and probably the real Best players of PES. The website administrator (Bullet)will be opening this NonCheaters list soon.

This website can be the voice of all PES gamers that are really fed up of the nonsense going on in official game servers. Apart from making the cheaters known by putting their names on this website. this could also strengthen the urge that something must be done by the game creaters Konami. The cheating is ruining the whole experience of online competition so something must be done in the future versions of PES.

Thank you.
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Thanks man thats great , the more the comments in the website the better , we have to show Konami that the majority of PES gamers are Anti cheaters with any means possible. Cheating is ruining the online game. Actually many players play only online so its unacceptable to have master league online mode full to the bring with cheaters. thanks.
Are cheaters allowed to join?

lol are you a cheater, my friend?

btw, i tweeted jon murphy yesterday, but he doesnt seem like the kind of person that checks his tweeter account every day, so i think he probably didnt read my tweet and i posted a comment on the xbox section of the website, hope it helps somebody

Great thanks man, for now the main concern is to keep the list upadated and active and have more comments on our website , the more comments the better to show that there are lots of people fed up with online cheating. when we will have enough material we will send it to konami with one way or an other.
Getting upset about online cheating with video sports games is the equivalent of complaining about getting wet when standing outside in the rain. Just go back indoors and problem solved, lol. We live in a society of cheaters and the internet brings out the worst of them. Konami can't fix that. Play online with people you know and trust and it's not an issue.
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Yeah we know that but on pes lately seems that konami are encouraging ppl to cheat due of the scripting moments . so at least if we cant remove all cheaters we should do something to reduce them.

I calculated that when on division 2 and 1 , 7 out of 10 matches end up on disconnect cheat , and believe me thats a real pain.

btw both links now work , after an hour of complaining with the domain seems that now both links will direct everyone to same website .
I calculated that when on division 2 and 1 , 7 out of 10 matches end up on disconnect cheat , and believe me thats a real pain.
Sure, there are some issues like disconnects that Konami might be able to respond to and fix. But you can't fix human nature. Some people will always look for new ways to cheat. If you're going to play online against strangers and people you don't know, you're bound to run into cheaters. Just don't do it.
yeah but the point is that you will get nothing when someone disconnects , konami has to give points to the person that stays online no matter if he disconnects or crushed , like that many of the dc cheat will be reduced almost by half, no one likes to pay 230,000 then gets nothing so disconnects will be reduced
So because human nature is faulty we should let crime happen freely around the world without taking action ? It makes no sense. You always have to try and take an action and improve things. Maybe one will not be able of killing the problem completly but reducing it or making life harder for cheaters and reducing the advantage taken from cheating. This is the way to go.
If you leave a shop door open, someone will walk inside and loot from it. Doesn't make it right.
It's great to play with people online who you trust and play a similar style. Very very enjoyable.
However, there is a mode for random match ups and if you can't finish a game because someone is glitching it, then it has to be addressed or discouraged to stop people doing it. I'd rather someone play a formation I hate, instead of quitting on me in the 80th minute because I am winning.
If you think all people should get inside and out of the rain, then Konami might as well remove the MLO option and just allow friends to play each other via community mode.
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