Anth's EAFC24 Gameplay Mod

Hey @Anth James , I installed the latest test version plus attack addon and a new cam mod.
plays damn nice! 👌

when I would wish for something, it would be more reward when using shielding and getting more fouls from this. Player bumping into each other and more physicality is a super start. Wish we could get more out of this.

the before mentioned rush by the AI as soon as you get the ball could be nerfed.
It's the same version as lat week, just updated to TU5 - but good to hear! Test v10 should be out in a couple of days. Yeah, a focus on fouls is something that will come a little down the track. Still working on other areas at the moment.
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It just unlocks all the zoom and height values so they make a difference.
with stock game the change is minimal.

@Anth James eSim cam is for free? What does it do better?
and could you please link me to your reshade? I’d like to try that now the game with mods runs fine for me.
I'm just using a tweaked version of this atm -

I will work on FC24 specfic looks soon.

eSim is paid, but the turf mod alone makes it worth it!
Hi everyone. I just released Test v10 + the new 'medium' pace and other optional add ons, including the passing speeds for slow, medium and fast separated so you can mix and match how you like.

Every version so far is built on the previous, there's no random chopping and changing. This version focuses on the CPU on ball behaviour. It's still a work in progress, still much to do. Fouls for example, will be looked at in an upcoming version.
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Hi everyone. I just release Test v10 + the new 'medium' pace and other optional add ons, including the passing speeds for slow, medium and fast separated so you can mix and match how you like.

Every version so far is build on the previous, there's no random chopping and changing. This version focuses on the CPU on ball behaviour. It's still a work in progress, still much to do. Fouls for example, will be looked at in an upcoming version.
U’re the best!
Loving V10, can't help but notice the curve on those freekicks now, so pleasurable! I actually went for the fast version this time, after using medium, since i found it to be slow enough but action packed enough. I will leave a video with the medium version and the fast version for people to take a look:

Next version in the works! Focusing on balancing out a few issues with the CPU behaviours from v10 and I'm also working on increasing the elite dribblers/attackers individuality more so they're harder to beat and show more personality.

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This looks promising! Do you have a time line when you'll release your first public version?
Thanks! The plan was to release in stages of areas I've changed, but I was finding people struggle with that and I kept getting asked 'what about fouls', 'what about this' etc. So I've decided to get to every area on some level and release that as a first version publicly and then refine from there. So to answer your question, it's getting closer but there's still some areas I'm yet to tackle.
How come the gameplay mod feels completely different in kick off mode than it does in Career mode for example? In kick off mode it feels awesome, and in career mode it feels clunky with slow animations. Thanks.
Next version in the works! Focusing on balancing out a few issues with the CPU behaviours from v10 and I'm also working on increasing the elite dribblers/attackers individuality more so they're harder to beat and show more personality.

Very dynamic gameplay. Direct 1vs1 battles around the ball looks cool.
I really like the Mod Test v.10 with the Medium settings. Game Speed is really enjoyable. Passing speed is once again improved imo. Feels close to assisted although I played it manual. With FC 24 default Gameplay I had often the feeling the pass I send to my team mate sturves before the ball reaches his foot. And when I hit the ground pass button to long the pass is also not fine. But with the medium Mod settings it feels very balanced. The high through ball is now also better to control for me. passes now reaches the point I try to aim behind the AI defense. Generally the game flow looks and feels even more like a CL Game in real TV. The AI improvements are recognizable because they "play"
now Football. Not that hurry up gameplay from default by ping pong the ball towards their striker. I have also the impression that here is once more more battles 1vs1 because of the nice game pace. Defenders and strikers are going into a battle about a ball.
More to see imo after I switched for testing purposes from Medium speed Mod to slow Mod. As I really like the medium game speed and interaction
I must fairly say it felts with slow game speed settings also very nice. The only thing I will try on top is the medium pass addon mod together with the slow Speed Mod. Could be I stick than with the slow mod Version. I had the feeling it´s a bit more physical game between AI and myself when it comes to battle about a ball at the box. I use the "protect ball" button on my controller much more on slow speed Version of the mod than with medium speed Version Mod.

Just a nice idea with mixing the gameplay Versions with the addons. At last I will test of course the fast speed mod. But my intention says I go back to medium speed Version. For me it´s recognizable that with every new Test release are improvements to see in the mod. The Game feels
already close to EA Anth´s FC 24 and not longer like another EA Season update. Been suspended how GP v.1.0 will finally looks like when it is
created and developed.
My congrats to Anth what you have achieved till now! Much appreciated.
¡Próxima versión en proceso! Me estoy concentrando en equilibrar algunos problemas con los comportamientos de la CPU de la versión 10 y también estoy trabajando para aumentar la individualidad de los regateadores/atacantes de élite para que sean más difíciles de vencer y muestren más personalidad.

Tengo dos preguntas.

¿Qué tiene la versión 8 que tenías en este video que los patines no están? o es coincidencia?
Este vídeo me da muy buenas sensaciones, pero los siguientes que he visto de versiones superiores a 8, veo muchos más patinando.

¿Es posible modificar la velocidad de movimiento de los jugadores para cada animación de manera diferente? ¿O sólo se puede cambiar la velocidad de movimiento de los jugadores de forma general para todas las animaciones por igual?
I really like the Mod Test v.10 with the Medium settings. Game Speed is really enjoyable. Passing speed is once again improved imo. Feels close to assisted although I played it manual. With FC 24 default Gameplay I had often the feeling the pass I send to my team mate sturves before the ball reaches his foot. And when I hit the ground pass button to long the pass is also not fine. But with the medium Mod settings it feels very balanced. The high through ball is now also better to control for me. passes now reaches the point I try to aim behind the AI defense. Generally the game flow looks and feels even more like a CL Game in real TV. The AI improvements are recognizable because they "play"
now Football. Not that hurry up gameplay from default by ping pong the ball towards their striker. I have also the impression that here is once more more battles 1vs1 because of the nice game pace. Defenders and strikers are going into a battle about a ball.
More to see imo after I switched for testing purposes from Medium speed Mod to slow Mod. As I really like the medium game speed and interaction
I must fairly say it felts with slow game speed settings also very nice. The only thing I will try on top is the medium pass addon mod together with the slow Speed Mod. Could be I stick than with the slow mod Version. I had the feeling it´s a bit more physical game between AI and myself when it comes to battle about a ball at the box. I use the "protect ball" button on my controller much more on slow speed Version of the mod than with medium speed Version Mod.

Just a nice idea with mixing the gameplay Versions with the addons. At last I will test of course the fast speed mod. But my intention says I go back to medium speed Version. For me it´s recognizable that with every new Test release are improvements to see in the mod. The Game feels
already close to EA Anth´s FC 24 and not longer like another EA Season update. Been suspended how GP v.1.0 will finally looks like when it is
created and developed.
My congrats to Anth what you have achieved till now! Much appreciated.
Another very interesting and informative insight of yours! 👌
Can’t wait to try V10 this weekend myself.
Another very interesting and informative insight of yours! 👌
Can’t wait to try V10 this weekend myself.
Keep an eye of the direct physical interactions between your Players and the AI Players. It´s nice how often it comes to those situations. Just like watching RW Essen vs Waldhof Mannheim in 3. Liga. More physical play needs the "protect ball" button on my Controller or nothing works towards victory. 😄
Tengo dos preguntas.

¿Qué tiene la versión 8 que tenías en este video que los patines no están? o es coincidencia?
Este vídeo me da muy buenas sensaciones, pero los siguientes que he visto de versiones superiores a 8, veo muchos más patinando.

¿Es posible modificar la velocidad de movimiento de los jugadores para cada animación de manera diferente? ¿O sólo se puede cambiar la velocidad de movimiento de los jugadores de forma general para todas las animaciones por igual?
There are three different versions in my mod which have different paces - slow, medium and fast. All use the same base, but have different speed of movement and passing.

What you're viewing in this video is the slow version. It's possible that the other videos you've seen are one of the other paces. It's very subjective though, as some people say slow has more skating, others say fast or medium does.

The slow and fast versions have not changed at all in terms of movement speeds etc from this version to the later versions though, so if you're looking at videos of the same pace then there's no difference at all.

Hope this helps!
Keep an eye of the direct physical interactions between your Players and the AI Players. It´s nice how often it comes to those situations. Just like watching RW Essen vs Waldhof Mannheim in 3. Liga. More physical play needs the "protect ball" button on my Controller or nothing works towards victory. 😄
An important aspect and weapon of choice for me too. Let’s see if it translates to top teams as well.
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