AI in PES 2012 is overrated and its not even that good.

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16 August 2011
True story.

KONAMI promised us great AI this year but honestly its shit.

1. All teams play the same or at least extremely similar, theres no difference when u play Barca or Real Zaragoza in terms of playing, I find it so funny how Barca keep playing long ball all the time and crossing the ball from the wings, hilarious stuff konami really.

2. Similar to all teams being similar same goes for players being similar, last year there was a major difference between a world class player and just a great player, this year the difference is so little you can barely notice it and you really need a shit player to really notice the difference well. The difference is not only way too low but all the players infact have too good stats like control of the ball , passing , shooting etc...
I mean the ball is glued to the players feet , players that have 70 DA ... same goes for players shooting , if I shot with Xavi 10 times im going to hit the goal about 8 times, and Xavi has less than 80 shooting accuracy, ridicilous.. This is also one reason for so many goals apart from the goalkeepers not being quite as good.

3. Because of the combination of 1. and 2. there are little differences between teams, for example if you play against Barca or against Helsinki its going to be almost the same in terms of how you control the match, I can control the match against both easily and get way over 60% posession, even over 70% if I want.
Yes Barca generaly feels more dangerous and might score more goals against me because of some really high stated players like Messi , Xavi, Iniesta etc... but the difference is not that big and even players with shit stats have good enough stats because of the overrated stats to dribble well, shoot accurate etc..

One good way to try this out is also by making CPU vs CPU matches, try it out I urge you to test the AI.

I did a few times now and the result is shocking and proves my point, low end teams outposessing Barca and winning against them etc...

Also the players lack any inviduality, everyone does the same no matter who they are, Xavi will try to dribble past players and shot instead of playmaking etc...

Also your teammates ( tested in BAL ) are so dumb... I played 3 matches 10 mins long and I counted 5 times that my player went out of bounds over the line, for no reason.

I must say im extremely disapointed and this was supposed to be the focal point, the main thing that KONAMI will improve this year, its embarassing how poor they did their job, its barely better than pes 2011 was.

Btw for all you saying play online and ul see blabla stuff keep that to yourself, this is stricly commenting the offline game.
I recall when I played old PES games in master league I knew I was gonna get a hard match versus a team like Barca and knew id score loads agaisnt a weak unheard off team.

So new PES games are not like this?
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