Advice for defending


24 September 2006
Im a good player, can score goals easily but the part of my game that needs changing is defending. What I am looking for is some advice how to stop other players from catching me on the break and running the field and scoring. Its always been a problem with me. More then half of the goals I concede are from players who either play a through ball behind my defenders or run the pitch. Any advice would be great.....
i had this problem, it took a while to get used to the tackling on pes 2008. what i find helps is to not give the opposing players any space-rather than jump into tackles or commit yourself, stay with your man...keep goal side of him, slow him down so that when your defenders and midfielders re-group, the opposition has to track back and start the build up again. pes 2008 really is an excellent game, after the initial disappointment of the lack of features compared to last years effort, the actual gameplay is have to think like a real footballer to really understand the game. also beware not to be caught out on the break if your on the attack and it breaks down. you are more than likely to get punished!
Any advice on formations for defence? Like keeping the 4 defenders back rather then trying to catch the other player offside.
defending is certianly harder than ever on pro evo this year. ive always just left 3 at the back and cleaned up anthing the comp would throw at me and then counter. but now im keeping 4 at the back and keeping it all tight as otherwise they score at will! ive had some crazy scores. i was 4-1 down to derby after 70 min! came back to win 5-4. crazy stuff. concentration is definately needed now when defending and with the fact that corners are harder to defend than ever and also dodgy penalties from the ref. theres alot more goals.
Just keep backing off, eventually the CPU gets too crowded out and then you can whack :x: and :square: and win it back.

DO NOT keep 'pressing', they will just cut through you. Patience is the key.
DO NOT keep 'pressing', they will just cut through you. Patience is the key.
thats the thing, you keep "pressing" (or tackling) the cpu will just wriggle out and get a shooting chance....just make sure you always have a man between the ball and the goal and bide your time...
For me releasing the R1 while defending did the trick. I am also quite a good player and in previous titles I used R1+X a lot but that just didn't work on this version so I started relaxing on the X button thinking that it was letting me down, but in reality it was R1 that was not helping me. When I relaxed on R1 my X tackles improved greatly.

That are my 5 cents
Yeah, I've had huge issues keeping leads as well pes2008. Firstly, I can't defend corners to save my life. I realize my CB (Toure and Gallas) aren't the best at heading but the way the CPU scores corners with ease indicates I may be doing something wrong. When do you guys actually press the circle (which is shoot on my setup) button when defending corners? Is it 1)the second the corners is kicked or 2)just before the balls come down in the box (to be headed)? Also, I realize you can press R2 to move the controlled player when the ball is in the air but this always seems to make it easier for the CPU to score.

Any tips on the above would be appreciated.
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I do what I have always done in every version of Pro Evo, and it works for me. When they take the corner, hold :x:. As soon as the ball comes in, release it and hit :x: again. I know :x: is only pass, but it works on headers.

I use it when CPU takes goal kicks too, same method. Holding the button gets your player to the 'x' marker on the ground which indicates where the ball is going, then if you press it again just as the ball comes to you, you should win most headers.
Change you side backs to centre backs. Also make one centre half play sweeper keep your finger of R1. Do not dive in to tackles stand off the attacking player hold square. All this works really well for me and can really turn your game round.

Although basic errors in programming will always prevail such as the famous Kick off goal which has plagued pro ev and iss through the ages
Having real problems defending, if I stand off the man and don't jump in he gets all the way into the penalty box sidesteps me and scores. Was pretty good on PES6 but on this i'm struggling. For instance played Juve .v. Inter on professional (I was Juve) and got beat 6 nil !!! Any more tips ???
Wait until they get towards the edge of your area, and then when it's crowded, bash :square: and :x: together hard. They will get swamped and you come away with the ball.

I know inviting pressure on your area is not a good tactic in real life, but it works in the game. Possibly shows that the game is a bit unrelaistic in that respect. A tactic such as that shouldn't work but it does.
Ive noticed that the more you try and change/improve your game by trying out new things, the worse you do!
I think the best advice I can give is to play your own style to the best of you ability! Everyone has flaws!
Just figured something out concerning the FKs that the COM always scores.
I put 1 extra player in the wall and voila! The COM player seems to rather chip into the box.

i've been lucky, in my four meetings against Barca in ML, Ronaldinho had missed all of his FKs (about 7 of them). all of them were close though, and one hit the crossbar.
suprisingly only two FKs were scored against me in my first season.
i've only scored one :(
a tip for defending corners; lower your attack/defence as soon as the ball goes over the line, by holding L2 and pressing R2. each time you press R2 the small coloum next to the box that has the players name will go down a colour, with blue being the highest defence level. what this does is instruct all players to drop back and stright up defend and do so by simply crowding the box and the area just ouside it. this can also be used when attacking a corner but this time hold L2 and keep pressing R1, with red being the highest level of attack. this packs out the opposition's area and gives you plenty of targets to get that cross to and allows a CB to get in on the action. - but be warned, with all ur men foward for a corner you are open for the counter big time, the same goes with defening in this manor, with all you men back you may intercept the the ball easily but have no way of going foward so use this accordingly, but with a bit of practice you will learn to judge how hi/lo to set your attack/defence for each situation.

furthermore, i have adopted a high back line (set to A for both), that is positioned right up the arse of my midfield and i use the manual stratergy 'offside trap'. Again this took me a while to get used to but what it does is as soon as it is activated, rushes ur back line forward with great speed. so for instance as soon as i see an attack about to be made against me, i wack on 'offside trap' and my defence is right there with my midfield, totally packing out the final third and not allowing alot of space for the opposition. i have pretty much mastered this technique i like to think against the CPU, of course this is by no means an 'un-beatable' defence and yeh, sometimes the slippery little bastard gets through and has a clear run at goal, where all you can do is hope ur keeper makes the save. But that is what happens in football, you give away goals, and defending is without doubt the hardest part of playing pro.

Anyway, to wrap this up, my main advice is learn to recognize the danger as soon as possible and have a plan of action and stick to it. There is only one way to be un-beatable, that is to never take part.

Great tips and comments. Thanks for sharing. I will definitely try the "offside trap" that you mentioned. I normally play with Arsenal so I keep high back line as well. I have been defending corners a bit better not that I keep mashing the pass button for a header pass away from goal. Much more practice is need I suppose.
Darkside, great post there mate. Was having real problems with the corner kicks but just changed the attacking/defence mentality and it seems to work. I play with liverpool and it would be madness for me to have a high back line because the defence is so slow, but could see how it could work for the likes of barcelona, arsenal and united. As i say great post and some good info in there
thanks for the feedback ruffneckc and Macailz, I'm more than happy to help out and share! and if it helps people enjoy the game, well you can't get any better that that! and by all means give what i said in my post a go, that's how i learned to use it successfully, just simple practice and patiance!

... another neat little tip that i enjoy using is 'CB overlap' strategy. what this does is allow you to choose one of ur CB's to join in with the attack and gets him right in the thick of it, adding an all important extra man when you're really pushing for 'that goal' that can change and decide things. i tend to use this in the dying seconds of the game, say if i have a freekick or corner and i need a goal. for some reason, i don't know if any of you feel it, but i have always been a strong believer that pro rewards innovative thinking and masterful play.

i.e. you do an amazing length of the pitch dribble, skin a handful of players, set ur self up perfectly and the shot is saved! but miraculously pushed nicely back into your path for a tap wanted you to have that goal.

back to the point i was trying to make, by using 'CB overlap' i have had accasions where i desperatly need a goal, to win it, or force extra time and more times than not my last ditch attempt to swing that ball into the box finds my good old never say die CB to powerfully head that ball home!!!
...remember though, if it doesn't work make sure you then turn it off, coz that CB is gonna be nicely content stayin in that advanced possition!
HELP !!!!!!
my keeper keeps letting in standerd goals like if a shot is in front of him, and it is a easy save my keeper dnt save it , but on the hard shots he is like superman lol, i need help or advice what is better keeping ur GK coruser on Manual ? or leave it to the cpu?? and i really need sum tips and advice on dis and if u can plz tell me what can u do if the GK is on maual (courser) plz plz plz ....

thanks in advance
HELP !!!!!!
my keeper keeps letting in standerd goals like if a shot is in front of him, and it is a easy save my keeper dnt save it , but on the hard shots he is like superman lol, i need help or advice what is better keeping ur GK coruser on Manual ? or leave it to the cpu?? and i really need sum tips and advice on dis and if u can plz tell me what can u do if the GK is on maual (courser) plz plz plz ....

thanks in advance

all i can say to this is that you're playing a football game, you will give away goals. i do feel that the goalkeepers are more prone to make saves where they may not hold on to the ball in pes2008, which didn't really happen in 6, trust me it took me a while to get used to this, but you have to realise that this is a differnt game. Konami made this version so more goals would be scored. ok, some will argue that this makes it more of an arcade game, and may not be as 'realistic' as some might have hoped for. the best way to play the game is to loose the fear of giving away a goal and focus on scoring, if you let in a goal simply play with the mentality that you will go and get one back.

... all i can suggest for the above post is, use tringle to control ur keeper. holding it down will cause him to rush out in a desperate and frantic attempt to get the ball, but with slight taps you can bring him out without fully commiting himself and in doing so narrow the angle.
HELP !!!!!!
my keeper keeps letting in standerd goals like if a shot is in front of him, and it is a easy save my keeper dnt save it , but on the hard shots he is like superman lol, i need help or advice what is better keeping ur GK coruser on Manual ? or leave it to the cpu?? and i really need sum tips and advice on dis and if u can plz tell me what can u do if the GK is on maual (courser) plz plz plz ....

thanks in advance

Are u playing in low quality? It is almost certain that low quality screws up the gameplay. There are threads about it. It seems to either screw up the keepers or first touch by players. Try playing on med/high if u are.
thanks for the post , so let me get dis rite , dnt put ma keeper on manual ?? or shud i put him on manual???

and no im playing the game on top player which i fink its the hard one
a tip for defending corners; lower your attack/defence as soon as the ball goes over the line, by holding L2 and pressing R2. each time you press R2 the small coloum next to the box that has the players name will go down a colour, with blue being the highest defence level. what this does is instruct all players to drop back and stright up defend and do so by simply crowding the box and the area just ouside it. this can also be used when attacking a corner but this time hold L2 and keep pressing R1, with red being the highest level of attack. this packs out the opposition's area and gives you plenty of targets to get that cross to and allows a CB to get in on the action. - but be warned, with all ur men foward for a corner you are open for the counter big time, the same goes with defening in this manor, with all you men back you may intercept the the ball easily but have no way of going foward so use this accordingly, but with a bit of practice you will learn to judge how hi/lo to set your attack/defence for each situation.

furthermore, i have adopted a high back line (set to A for both), that is positioned right up the arse of my midfield and i use the manual stratergy 'offside trap'. Again this took me a while to get used to but what it does is as soon as it is activated, rushes ur back line forward with great speed. so for instance as soon as i see an attack about to be made against me, i wack on 'offside trap' and my defence is right there with my midfield, totally packing out the final third and not allowing alot of space for the opposition. i have pretty much mastered this technique i like to think against the CPU, of course this is by no means an 'un-beatable' defence and yeh, sometimes the slippery little bastard gets through and has a clear run at goal, where all you can do is hope ur keeper makes the save. But that is what happens in football, you give away goals, and defending is without doubt the hardest part of playing pro.

Anyway, to wrap this up, my main advice is learn to recognize the danger as soon as possible and have a plan of action and stick to it. There is only one way to be un-beatable, that is to never take part.

I also use Offside trap strategy, but not always... ::l1::triangle: + Fast Player = many goals
I do what I have always done in every version of Pro Evo, and it works for me. When they take the corner, hold :x:. As soon as the ball comes in, release it and hit :x: again. I know :x: is only pass, but it works on headers.

I use it when CPU takes goal kicks too, same method. Holding the button gets your player to the 'x' marker on the ground which indicates where the ball is going, then if you press it again just as the ball comes to you, you should win most headers.

if that is working on corners, then X must bring your player under the ball in any case, such as goal kicks from opponent?
Yes it does. If you think about it, you hold :x: when the opposition has the ball, and your player automatically goes towards the ball (pressing). :x: is like a homing device towards the ball.

Hold it down when a goal kick, corner or long ball is kicked, your player homes in to the target location. Then press it again to head it. Works for me all the time.

if that is working on corners, then X must bring your player under the ball in any case, such as goal kicks from opponent?
How can I defend against my mate, He ALWAYS i mean ALWAYS chooses Inter, which I've learnt to accept, but what really frustrates me is the fact that Adriano and Zlatan, are seemingly invincible, and then after making my defence look fools, shoot from 40 yards out straight into the top corner.

He also uses what I call a Dirty corner, a short corner to a player, which although I'll move someone to mark his man, will often lead to a goal anyway as he'll cut it across to one of the overated players above who somehow remain unmarked through out the whole corner and blast it home!
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