About tactics - linked sliders


12 May 2012
I'm looking to figure out what sliders are linked to each other.
In particular I would like to understand the connections between defensive and offensive sliders.

Can anyone help me?

I'm looking to figure out what sliders are linked to each other.
In particular I would like to understand the connections between defensive and offensive sliders.

Can anyone help me?


If you could be just a little bit more general and vague, I'm sure I could help...;)
I think I've figured out how the sliders do their job (thx to klashman)but I'm not sure I understand how they interact with each other.
in particular, IMO, is there a relationship between defensive and offensive sliders?

Personally, I'm trying to create a team shape that can turn from attack to defense and viceversa with positional coherence.
I'm not at home right now, but one thing I can tell you is for sure: slider do half the work. The other half (and possibly even more important than the sliders) is the position of the players in the tactical screen.
not that hard

• player support is offensive meaning, can make holes and gaps with high values in the defence especially if u have CBs like Luiz e.g., so there is a link from off-def

• support range is offensive meaning, after loosing the ball can have defensive meaning, if team is narrowed or not this can have an effect to pressing

• position change is off and def meaning, depends on the players,
having players that can play several pos. a higher value is not that bad, but i wudnt go above 14 max.

• attack style is offensive meaning, same as support range above for explanation

• pressing is defensive meaning, can have offensive meaning after winning the ball narrowed team e.g.

• def. line is def. meaning

• compactness is def. meaning
Personally, I'm trying to create a team shape that can turn from attack to defense and viceversa with positional coherence.
I'm not at home right now, but one thing I can tell you is for sure: slider do half the work. The other half (and possibly even more important than the sliders) is the position of the players in the tactical screen.

Then there is the stats :)

I have noticed with the bigger teams some players need less cards and need to be toned down so they are not so 'individual'. Playing with smaller teams the tactics actually mean more because there are less cards and high stats to make them play their own game. :)
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