about subs


21 March 2003
i just wanted to ask i was used to playoing the ps 2 vers and i got the ps 3 ver for more graphics but have not seen it yet on subs in ps 2 ver sometimes you would see players running off and new ones waiting to come on with guy holding number.
is this not in ps3 ver also i see the flag guy but thought i would see the manager with subs sitting and sometimes the manger pointing out things i thought i had seen a pic of this before game came out, also wish they would not have taken out but many years ago another pes or we had if player got injured he woulf come back on field sometimes wrapped from inj. well anyway can anyone tell me if that first stuff is there if not i could have gotten cheaper ps 2 ver only reason i did not was because i did not know if they implemetd the cl into master league but i read they have in ps 2 ver tks
This is still there. But not always. When you subsitute a player, this scene will only been seen when you and your opponent won't be changing more then three guys ones..
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