A suggestion about option files for futur games


I have no imagination
24 July 2005
Manchester United
I have an idea regarding, I don't pretend that I'm the first ever to come up with it.I've always found transferring (whether you upload or download it) option files frustrating in the way they change everything.For instance, I have edited certain teams with their corresponding tactics and everything and I'm looking for an option which contains all the teams names corrected.
If I download an option file and load in my game then every tactic I have set and modified will be gone because everything will be at default.
Basically what I'm saying is that there should be many different directories in an option file.For instance you'd have the following elements:
1) players names
2)teams names
3)tournament and league names
4) tactics
5) players hair
6) players shoes
There are obviously many things that we could have classified like that in an option file, therefore when loading a new option file we'd download from the internet or a friend of ours gives it to us, the game would give us which specific criterion of the game we wanna change and all instead of all the general changes.
What do you think of this idea and do you think it should be proposed to Konami for future PES titles seeing as they really acknowledge the presence of the editing community.
edit: sorry for the bad english
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