
  1. vxzly

    Game freezes after match result | PES2021 Master League

    Hey guys, I don't know a lot about pes 2021 modding in general since im so new too PES. I have all datapacks and the fixes for them, virtuared installed with lite stadiums, patch 8.3 of vred and just a couple essential mods like nesacamera etc. sometimes the matches their result just don't...
  2. M

    Master League not progressing (2021)

    Hey guys, So far this year on 2021 (PC) I've had two issues with Master League, both using different patches. The first was when my ML got to a certain date in November, then would crash to desktop as the calendar is moving through the days. Never really tried to fix it as I needed to update a...
  3. S

    PES 2019 PC crash on BAL

    Hi everybody, my game crashes when i launch a game in the BAL mode, i am using evoswitcher, autoswitcher, sider and DPFilelist. Can someone help me ? I was with Montpelier and I got transfered to Tottenham Hotspur and its can be Europa League, FACUP or PL game, it will crash and I don't know why.
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