I'm sharing my manager career mods here.
Better Scouts Mods
This mod allows you to hire the best scouts available.
- Career now has 5 default scouts each one with 5 stars
- Hiring and Firing Price for any scout is now decreased
- Instant Scout Recalls
- Faster and Better Scouting
- Base...
Improved Career Mode mod by TheAwesomeGem
This mod is for anyone that wants this:
- Very hard challenging career mode where finance is a real thing.
- Very realistic saves where if you choose a bottom team, you will struggle financially if you don't sell players. It's hard to keep top players...
Hey guys!
After several years of only playing PES, (I played FIFA when I was younger, mostly against friends and season mode, and basically switched to PES), I've been re-discovering FIFA and some of the great installments, thanks a lot to the opinions of many of you here on the forum. :)...
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